Report: ‘[Woman] of the Year’ Identifying as a Man Burned Her Home & Killed Her Pets for Attention – IOTW Report

Report: ‘[Woman] of the Year’ Identifying as a Man Burned Her Home & Killed Her Pets for Attention

RedState: Nikki Joly is a woman identifying as a man. That’s an interesting story alone. But here’s another compelling nugget: According to Michigan prosecutors, in 2017 — as an attempt to draw more attention to gay issues — she burned down her own house as a fake “hate crime.”

The act was initially investigated by the FBI, no less.

What was Nikki’s motive?


Over the course of six months, she’d helped open a gay community center, organized the town’s first gay festival, and participated in the successful fight for an ordinance declaring gays a specially-protected group — after 18 years of fighting for anti-discrimination legislation.

But everything had died down, it seems, and she needed more controversy:  MORE

22 Comments on Report: ‘[Woman] of the Year’ Identifying as a Man Burned Her Home & Killed Her Pets for Attention

  1. How much more evidence is required before we can close the case that transgenders should be mental patients?
    Also, any time you have to invent and manufacture a ‘pride’ festival, there’s probably nothing to be proud of.
    It translates to ‘we demand you respect us and failure to do so will have negative consequences’.

  2. This perfectly encapsulates the total nutbaggery that is LGBTQWERTY…(to infinity and beyond) mentality. If you’re not happy unless you can convince the majority of people that they are bad people for hating you, your entire life will be spent doing things to make people hate you and then blaming it all on others.

    What a demented cunt this is. Those poor animals.

  3. And (s)he did it all while being sponsored/volunteered/valuable congregant at St. Johns United (GAY) Church of Christ in he(r) town.

    What a wonderful community resource he(r) is.

  4. There should be a “Pay attention to me Award” like there is a “Darwin Award”. There could be different categories like “resulting in the death of pets” and “resulting in the death of children” for those who have Munchhausen by proxy.

    Bonus points for LEO man hours wasted if you manage to get Fed hours those count double. This murderous (I’m not saying she murdered her animals, I mean she did but when you torch a house there is no telling what could happen- your neighbors could go up in flames, Fire Fighters could go up in flames- actual people could have died because of her plan) narcissistic BI did not care one bit what would happen as long as people were paying attention to her. What is worse, had Law Enforcement come up with an suspect would she then, at that point, confess or would she sit back and let an innocent person go to prison based on her lie? I think we all know the answer to that.

    She should be prosecuted and if found guilty given the sentence for the crime in which she was going to set someone up for- “arson with the sentencing enhancement of ‘and this is a hate crime’ on top of it”.

  5. This weirdo will probably be featured on Lock-Up Raw.

    Maybe other convicts will look up on her/he/it like convicts look up on child abusers and give her ‘prison justice.’

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