‘Real Scrutiny’: House Republicans To Hold Congress’s First Public Forum On The Green New Deal – IOTW Report

‘Real Scrutiny’: House Republicans To Hold Congress’s First Public Forum On The Green New Deal


House Republicans will hold a policy forum Wednesday to do something Congress hasn’t done yet with respect to the Green New Deal — publicly scrutinize it.

Green New Deal opponents and supporters were invited by the Congressional Western Caucus, a group of Republican lawmakers from western states, to examine the costs and feasibility of the sweeping plan that’s backed by many Democratic 2020 hopefuls. The forum will be followed by a press conference.

The Western Caucus bills the forum as the “first in-depth public review” the Green New Deal has gotten from Congress since it was introduced by Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in early February. The non-binding resolution calls for a World War II-style mobilization to achieve “net-zero” greenhouse gas emissions within 10 years.

So far, not a single Green New Deal supporter accepted Republicans’ invitation to testify at the forum except for Ocasio-Cortez herself — however, her staff later said she might not be able to attend because of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen’s testimony. more

7 Comments on ‘Real Scrutiny’: House Republicans To Hold Congress’s First Public Forum On The Green New Deal

  1. So AOC, who claims we have 12 years before the earth dies and wants to transform this country back to the Stone Age cannot come to defend her seminal legislative creation publically because she’d rather listen to a convicted liar testify again to Congress. I guess embarrassing the president is a greater priority than saving the world within 144 months. What a disingenuous fool

  2. It would be interesting to see this public discussion as it takes place between the green deal proponents and those either opposing or actually wanting more information about it.

    If it happens.

    Which I doubt.

    The Leftists tend to avoid two sided discussions of their agenda, it’s too hard to answer those questions openly without destroying their own arguments, and exposing the real agenda behind them, so it is better to just avoid them by staying away from real discussion and debate.

  3. Oh! In re: the New Green Deal or Green New Deal or whatever they choose to call this particular abortion, an earlier thread mentioned that it would cost the American taxpayer something on the order of $600,000 per person? That is assuming that everyone who files, pays taxes – which ain’t necessarily so. On average, only the top 50% of filers pay ANY taxes so, seeing as there are (roughly) 138 Million filers and $93 Trillion in play, that comes to more along the lines of $1.35 Million per (ACTUAL) taxpayer. Considering that the average is about $18,000 per taxpayer (2018) on $65,000 of Adjusted Gross Income that’s about a 7,500% increase without any concomitant increase in Earnings.

    America may want to seriously re-think this whole nihilistic/socialist/totalitarian movement – if not in terms of morality then in terms of simple mathematics.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Tim FEBRUARY 27, 2019 AT 1:09 PM

    “…if not in terms of morality then in terms of simple mathematics.”

    This is what six decades of 2+2=5 if that is what makes you feel good is all about.


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