NOKO media tries slicker, quicker summit coverage – IOTW Report

NOKO media tries slicker, quicker summit coverage

North Koreans have been getting a quicker, more polished look at their leader as he meets with President Donald Trump in Vietnam in their second summit. But one thing hasn’t changed at all — North Korea’s media have one story to tell, and it’s always about the infallibility of the glorious leader.

Even before his first handshake with Trump, photos of leader Kim Jong Un were featured Wednesday on the front page of the ruling party’s daily newspaper, Rodong Sinmun. The news of his travels was also broadcast on nationwide television.

There appears to be an effort to present the news in a somewhat more visually appealing manner.

Man-in-the-street interviews, which have often been carefully staged and done in several takes to make sure they come out just right, are looking more casual. One woman was interviewed while riding a trolley, another at her station in a factory in a soft light.

What the people have to say, however, is as predictable as ever.

Nearly every interviewee speaks of their ardent wish for Kim to return home safely, of their intense longing for his guidance and how he has inspired them to work ever harder for the glory of their nation.

The news component has been fairly cautious.

There is little or no significant news about what the two leaders discuss. Denuclearization is almost never mentioned, nor is the debate in the United States about the merits of meeting with Kim at all.  more here

4 Comments on NOKO media tries slicker, quicker summit coverage

  1. “Nearly every interviewee speaks of their ardent wish for Kim to return home safely, of their intense longing for his guidance and how he has inspired them to work ever harder for the glory of their nation.”

    North Korean media is the extreme opposite of the US Media. The US media is Anti-Trump, Anti-American, Anti-Nationalist and Anti-capitalist.

    The North Korean and US Media do share a propensity for fake news, big intrusive government and are ardent Socialists/Communists.


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