Kamala Harris wants to decriminalize prostitution – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris wants to decriminalize prostitution

Kamala is pro-hooker. Imagine that.


When Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) came out on Tuesday in favor of decriminalizing prostitution, she failed to mention that she had opposed it her entire career.

Harris most publicly opposed the idea of decriminalizing the oldest profession in 2008, when she called a proposal to do so in San Francisco “completely ridiculous” and argued it “would put a welcome mat out for pimps and prostitutes.” She rejected the notion that prostitution was a “victimless crime,” the New York Times reported, and said it “compromises the quality of life in a community.”

But in her Tuesday interview with The Root, she said she supports decriminalizing prostitution and explicitly said it was because it is often victimless.

“When you’re talking about consensual adults, I think that, yes, we should really consider that we can’t criminalize consensual behavior as long as no one is being harmed,” Harris said.

The reversal from Harris, like her complete reversal on marijuana legalization, came after criticism from activists.  read more

36 Comments on Kamala Harris wants to decriminalize prostitution

  1. She just wants to nationalize it and have government become the mafia don. Reaping the profit n they’re doing the same thing with drugs.

    The Kamaleoni family want to muscle into the profitable underworld because that’s where the money is.

  2. If Harris get prostitution made legal, every bar & nightclub will have back rooms just for this purpose so they can get a cut because of all the drunks that will go in there for relief after seeing the hottie at the bar when they have a dozen drinks in them.

  3. LCD
    Does this mean you’re not for sale? Dang. LOL

    There’s a parody account on twitter, Kamala Toe Harris. Cracks me up.
    If every state going to legalize weed, then they should sure as hell legalize prostitution.

  4. She received benefits, maybe cash at the time, or highly paid positions and power, for sucking cock or having sex. Why shouldn’t everyone be able to do it?

    And if they happen to get pregnant, don’t worry, you can now always just kill the baby, even after birth.

    And if that is going to be the law, what is the age that is the cut-off for killing people after birth if we decide we don’t want them?

    Shouldn’t all this Global Warmin…..oops, sorry, Climate Change, be stopping all the slippery slopes these people are taking us down?

  5. Oh, I’m for sale, one way or another. But I have principles and stuff, like I need to be attracted to her 😉
    I am on the market! Apply with manager! 🙂
    Love the parody twitter accounts. Especially Sean Spicier, but there’s an Occasional Cortex one as well.

  6. My take is Sex outside of a romantic relationship is disgusting. However, legalize it, Regulate it to prevent diseases. Mandate welfare Queens who have multiple baby dadies to work in that field, as most part their legs for subsidized income, they can work and pay taxes the same way. Legalize it so whores can get paid.

  7. Yeah, and medicare for all will take care of all the diseases they carry. What’s the age limit? Or is there one? Is human trafficking okay? Please. Don’t even consider the thought of letting the gov legislate shit like this. Look how well they’re controlling marijuana.

    The US gov is a tax pimp already. Why do we need it as a sex pimp?

  8. So, would pimps just become normal businessmen, then? A smart pimp would offer a full shop: girls, drugs, stock deals and connections to politicians. Wait. That describes quit a few in Congress already.

  9. Heels-Up Harris is right to be concerned..

    She never paid taxes for what she ‘earned’ on her services to Willie Brown .

    If the IRS loooks into that deal, she could have legal problems..


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