Chicago: Investigation finds sexual misconduct allegations against megachurch founder credible – IOTW Report

Chicago: Investigation finds sexual misconduct allegations against megachurch founder credible

DC: An independent investigation found that the sexual misconduct allegations from multiple women against the founder of  Willow Creek Community Church are credible.

Bill Hybels, who founded the Chicago-area megachurch, resigned from his position at the church in April of 2018 amid growing criticism of the church’s leaders, who had allegedly conducted a faulty investigation into the claims against Hybels and later hired an attorney to conduct a second investigation, both of which found Hybels innocent. The latest review, however, conducted by an Independent Advisory Group of Christian leaders, found that the accusations of “sexually inappropriate words and actions” were credible.

“The credibility of the allegations would have been sufficient for Willow Creek Community Church to initiate disciplinary action if Bill Hybels had continued as pastor of the church,” the group’s report read.

Hybels and other church leaders initially claimed the allegations female staff members made against him were false. He characterized the ensuing outcry against himself and the church’s elders as “a calculated and continual attack on our elders and on me for four long years.” Hybels maintained his innocence even as he announced his resignation a month later, but apologized for what he characterized as mishandling certain situations that led to the allegations and for expressing anger and defensiveness against the allegations.

The church’s lead pastor and entire board of elders resigned in August of 2018, following Hybel’s resignation, admitting that “trust has been broken by leadership” and that their initial reaction to and investigation of the allegations against Hybels had been clouded by their admiration of him.  more

20 Comments on Chicago: Investigation finds sexual misconduct allegations against megachurch founder credible

  1. I’m making over $7k a month working low maintenance. I continued hearing other individuals disclose to me how a lot of cash they can make on the web so I chose to investigate it. All things considered, it was all valid and has completely transformed me. This is my main event, ℂashverity.ℂom

  2. Clergy Scandals: They’re not just for Catholics.
    Although the leader and entire board of elders of this megachurch had the decency to resign. Pope Francis and assorted cardinals and bishops, please take note.

  3. Think I’ll use the anonymous since it bothers some…

    They’re going to miss the Lear Jet and other perks. His son occasionally stopped in at the shop and always bragged about the SIX FIGURES plus they took in every weekend…

  4. Different Tim –

    I just put all the ‘anon’ in the same crap pile….gutless cowards.

    They could have the secret to life, but I wouldn’t give them the sweat off my scrotum if they were dying of thirst.

    They must think they’re Joe Cool, but really are just losers.

  5. Oh Gods now the Book Face Scammers have arrived… Alright BFH its time to whip out the Blam Stick. You better start the chemotherapy now before the cancer spreads and destroys these message boards.

    Please and Thank You!


  6. Pro tips for avoiding this,
    Don’t cousult women alone.
    Don’t do business meetings alone with them.
    Don’t betray people you care about.
    If you can’t keep it in your pants please bail out first.

  7. Is it just me or did the x-rated movies close down and they’re all here lurking now?

    Lots of new “screen names” and no claimers – have I been in a coma?

  8. For those who wouldn’t know or care (which is most of you and that’s okay).

    Hybels is what my kind of folk call an evangellyfish…a spineless man-pleaser who’s just in it for the prestige but wears a skin of religiosity. This is a fact, based on his being one of the founding fathers of the modern church growth movement which made the whole thing about numbers, which means crowd pleasing, amusement and entertainment “for Jesus.”

    Ever wonder about the proliferation you may see, or heard about, of rock music, rap contests, mud football (no joke, seen it), coffee shops and other worldly indisputably attractions in evangelical churches? Hybels is one of the main reasons for that, along with that fat guy with the goatee whose name escapes me for the moment…Rick something. They know these attractions are worldly and unbiblical–THAT’S THEIR POINT.

    So ask me if I’m surprised that the accusations are likely true. Gahead, ask me.


    No, I am by no means perfect in my own walk, but one need not be perfect in order to make factual observations about other people’s imperfections…especially when they’ve tried covering them up until the lid blows off.


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