Trump’s ‘REMAIN IN MEXICO’ policy is changing How immigrants try to enter the US – IOTW Report

Trump’s ‘REMAIN IN MEXICO’ policy is changing How immigrants try to enter the US

DC: The Trump administration’s asylum policy is prompting more migrants to try their luck at crossing illegally rather than seeking out legal ports of entry, Customs and Border Protection data suggest.

The proportion of foreign nationals attempting to cross the border illegally rather than reporting to legal ports of entry has risen in the past year, according to the data. Those crossing illegally made up 73 percent of all border crossings from October 2017 to January 2018 and then rose to 83 percent for the same period of time ending on Jan. 31, 2019, NBC News reported Friday.

At the same time, the percentage of foreign nationals intentionally reaching out to border enforcement establishments dropped from 27 percent to 17 percent.

The new numbers come in the wake of President Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy. The policy enacted in December 2018 dictates that foreign nationals who seek asylum at the southern border cannot enter the U.S. and must remain in Mexico while their case makes it through the immigration courts — a process that could take months to years.

The directive does not apply to children or Mexican asylum seekers. It largely targets the dramatic influx of Central American migrants who have tried to enter into the country through the U.S.-Mexico border. Immigrant rights advocates are attempting to fight the policy in court.

The Department of Homeland Security argues that migrants who are abandoning asylum claims likely don’t have a strong case anyway.   MORE

6 Comments on Trump’s ‘REMAIN IN MEXICO’ policy is changing How immigrants try to enter the US

  1. Why would illegal invaders sneak in, if the doors were wide open for the last 30+ years?

    Didn’t our government hand them Tip Sheets at the POEs on how to get their hands on all the free shit, a driver’s license and how to vote?

  2. Yeah, it’s Trump’s fault.
    Just like it used to be Bush’s fault.

    When rats sneak into your house it’s the rat’s fault!
    How’s that for a novel notion?

    If you rented a house that was infested with rats, would you praise the owner for being so compassionate to rats or would you sue him to make him get rid of the rats?

    Not a trick question. Not an implication that rats are anything other than rats – and rats have a rat-nature (which is why they’re rats) – that’s not racist – just reality. A duck has a duck-nature – a cat has a cat-nature – a dog has a dog-nature – a scorpion has a scorpion-nature – (&c., ad infinitum) – that’s just the way it is.

    Keep it simple.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Because they know they don’t qualify for asylum.
    When it used to be they let them in and gave them a court date for a hearing, they disappeared into the shadows long before they were heard on their asylum petition.

  4. @Peter the Bubblehead March 2, 2019 at 10:01 am

    > Because they know they don’t qualify for asylum.

    Lord Hobson’s (latest) argument. “Asylum” doesn’t matter. “Party” (i.e. jersey color of The Party’s one league to rule them all) doesn’t matter. Shifting money from those that work, to those that “invest”, at an ever increasing rate, is all… all… that matters. Don’t fall for conservatives’ latest fabrication. They’re “compassionate”… they’re “constitutional”… they’re liars… always… (like meth heads) it’s just who they are.

  5. “Those crossing illegally made up 73 percent of all border crossings from October 2017 to January 2018 and then rose to 83 percent for the same period of time ending on Jan. 31, 2019, NBC News reported Friday. At the same time, the percentage of foreign nationals intentionally reaching out to border enforcement establishments dropped from 27 percent to 17 percent.”
    What’s the difference between those two date ranges?
    HUGE “caravans” of people, who were HERDED LIKE CATTLE up from south and central America to our border in 2018 are now trying desperately to get into the USA after they realized the FALSE PROMISES of the herders were not panning out.

  6. Why would the feds not rewrite the code for asylum seekers to greatly streamline and simplify the process. There is no way an application should be taking years to process (or even months) unless there was too many points of appeal that a lawyer can use to stretch the process out. Build a couple of large court houses close to the border, appoint Judges, hire lawyers and investigators and limit the the length of time of a case to a week. Let the Judge make his determination and deport that person(s) the same day. They aren’t citizens and don’t have the protections of the US Law. That doens’t mean they don’t get a fair shake it just means that it’s not an endless shake.


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