Maine Rejects Carbon Tax – IOTW Report

Maine Rejects Carbon Tax

DC: A Maine lawmaker is pulling his bill imposing a carbon tax on citizens as the state sought to be the first to adopt one of the key pillars of the Democratic Party.

State Rep. Deane Rykerson, a Democrat from Kittery, Maine, announced Thursday that he is pulling a bill imposing the nation’s first statewide carbon tax. He intends instead on creating a “Carbon Pricing Study Group” that will explore the tax and recommend solutions. State Republicans are cheering the decision.

“This is a middle- and low-income family crushing tax,” Nick Isgro, mayor of Waterville, told reporters Thursday, adding in a subsequent tweet to his followers that “the sponsor [Rykerson] now wants the tax bill replaced with a study. Thank you all…WIN!” Maine’s decision to ding the proposal comes amid a similarly crushing defeat in the state of Washington.  more

8 Comments on Maine Rejects Carbon Tax

  1. No reason to celebrate. Withdrawing the bill, and using the Code word “study” means wasteful spending, merely padding the pockets of buddies, while trying to find a way to re-word a tax imposing bill.

  2. No tax, or tax increase, should be passed without 5/8 majority of the TAXPAYERS approval (not the registered voters or even the voters who deign to show up on election day) but by those who can prove they PAID all the taxes “owed.”
    The greedy, greasy parasitic maggots should have no say in the matter.

    And (in a perfect world) every tax would sunset with the Congress which passed it.
    NO more of this leftover bullshit, from the Spanish-American War of 1898, or from the Civil War (War of Northern Aggression), or from the Revolutionary War, continuing to be milked by the greedy maggots in Congress and beyond.

    But – common sense ain’t really all that common.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. My Moma always said, “If they can figure out how to tax the air we breath, they will.”
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. Gavin Newsome is kicking himself, if any state is going to be first out of the block with an oppressive onerous new novelty tax, it should be started right here, damn it!

    But Pearl Clutcher is right, this bogus tax payer paid study is just the preliminary one step back take a shot of oxygen and make sure taxpayers are looking the other way before the big leap to them really picking your pocket.

  5. The study doesn’t allow public testimony. It’s a sneaky way to try to get in under the radar. There were so many letters andcpeople who showed up at the hearing who are against it they decided to “study” it.


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