Michelle Malkin under fire after barn-burner of a CPAC speech – IOTW Report

Michelle Malkin under fire after barn-burner of a CPAC speech

AT: Michelle Malkin doesn’t give a damn what the progressive media and P.C. hordes say about her.  She speaks her mind — which is precisely why I enjoy her work so much.

Yesterday, she generated quite a bit of controversy (see this compilation of commentary) in her 20-minute speech to CPAC).  The entire speech is embedded below.

No small part of the criticism was implied outrage over her rejection of the “ghost of John McCain” in her jeremiad over the “grifters” who are “in bed with immigration saboteurs.”

She followed with a call-out of whom she had in mind as saboteurs, and grifters:

“And yes I’m looking at you retired Paul Ryan,” she said.  “And yes, I’m looking at you Mitch McConnell.  And yes, I’m looking at you, Bush family.  And yes, I’m looking at you, the ghost of John McCain.”

It’s worth noting that she called out other people, including the presence of communist Van Jones at CPAC.  more

20 Comments on Michelle Malkin under fire after barn-burner of a CPAC speech

  1. No doubt about it, Malkin’s speech was terrific. It’s about time and past time someone starting speaking truth to CPAC and their self-congratulatory smugness. I’m glad POTUS Trump gave their huge platform over to the guys and gals of TPUSA today. That’s the new Republican party. Time for some of the older faces to embrace the new and get out of the way (especially with the stupid move to have Van Jones speak). These kids want to win — such a novel approach.

  2. Who’s brilliant idea was it to have that fucking puke Van Jones. He’s like a one man SPLC with all the underhanded shit his organization has been pulling on people.

  3. McCain has been elevated to sainthood ?
    HOW ?

    No criticism of his nearly traitorous
    prostitution of the spirit of the Constitution
    and Declaration of Independence
    is to be criticized because he pandered to the



    Set the record straight
    McCain only feigned Republican philosophy
    as convenience

    He sucked at the groin of liberalism
    at every chance

    While still faking conservative ideals

    Taffyhead John McCain was a phony all his life

    The ONLY way to justly remember him is as a PHONY

    That’s what he was



    rip Taffyhead !

  4. A return to the party of Ronny!

    The liberal Bush/Rove syndicate , of which outside of the Bush Clan, Johnny was a Charter Member, tried to either destroy the Party or make it even more progressive than the D!

    She is a real, brave, honest, bright CONSERVATIVE!

  5. Sadly the “ghost of John McVain” has been replaced with the cult attached carcass of Mittens Romney who continues his legacy.

    McCain is Rino past, Mark Rubio Rino present, and Romney Rino future.

  6. She spoke at the first Tea Party rally I attended in DC in 2009. I thought “WOW – there are people who feel the same way as I do, and are not afraid to speak the truth in public.” I started following her website after that.

  7. Great speech, but it was disheartening to see the sparse crowd, most of whom sat on their fat asses and refused to clap at every applause line, some of whom walked out. CPAC has become a joke. I predict she won’t be invited back. If CPAC represents the conservative movement, we are so screwed.

  8. Absolutely, love Michelle Malkin – one of my role models. She’s correct when she firmly implies that Van Jones is a commie snake, McStain is a dead weasel and the Right is infiltrated by RINOs conspiring with the Left. GO get ’em, Michelle!


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