60 days in and the knives are out – IOTW Report

60 days in and the knives are out

AT: Who knew they’d be at war before spring break?

We learned this week that the Democrats’ left and center are at each other’s throats.  Sandy O is making a list to see who is naughty and nice.

This is from news reports:

According to the Post, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi scolded her wayward center-leaning colleagues, telling them: “We are either a team or we’re not, and we have to make that decision.”

But Ocasio-Cortez reportedly took it a step further.  She said she would help progressive activists unseat those moderates in their districts in the 2020 elections, the report said.  Her spokesman Corbin Trent told the paper that she made the “list” comment during the meeting.  More HERE

15 Comments on 60 days in and the knives are out

  1. …anything that makes Feinstein get berated for being a centerist is so far out there it must be in a different time zone…or a different time altogeter, like 1917…

  2. So, we have the Rules of engagement for the current political war.
    No bipartisanship for the good of the country.
    It is all or nothing.
    Never thought I would miss Ted Kennedy, or Bob Gephardt, but those guys are like Moses and Abraham next to the current crop of bat shit crazies in the democrat party

  3. I’m not sure what being a “centerist” means to a Democrat these days but the easy cure for this is simple. Tell AOC and the rest of them that come 2020 all money will go to GOP and all votes will go to GOP candidates. As a man in a jungle one said “we had to destroy the village to save it”. It would take a few election cycles (with the nominations carefully watched and if a few hard lefties in the style of AOC or a couple of the crazy islam ones like Muad Dib or whatever the hell her name is no support and any bucks and votes go to the GOP candidate) but the party would soon wash itself out and the Hollywood stars would lose interest and move on to something else and best of all Democrat voters would actually start paying attention to the consequences of their vote.

  4. These idiots are destroying their own party from within. Don’t anybody tell them. Just sit back and enjoy the show. The moderate few in their party will only be left with the choice of independent or republican. Now we will just have to work on the rino’s.

  5. @Proper Gander March 3, 2019 at 11:07 am

    > The “center left” Democrats have been creeping farther to the left.
    > And RINOs are following them…

    “And RINOs are pushing them…”


  6. “We learned this week that the Democrats’ LOONY left and CRAZY left are at each other’s throats.”


    There is no “center,” with the left. It’s ALL crazy, ALL the time. 😳


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