WAPO is A little too late – IOTW Report

WAPO is A little too late


Nick Sandmann’s attorney fired back at the Washington Post Friday, saying that the outlet’s attempt at correction via an editor’s note was “barely worth comment.”

When video of a confrontation between Native American elder Nathan Phillips and Covington Catholic High School junior Nick Sandmann went viral, many outlets — including WaPo — jumped on the narrative without waiting for the full story.

Sandmann was quickly painted as a racist bully — but video that surfaced just hours later showed that he had simply stood his ground while being berated by a nearby group of Black Hebrew Israelites and then approached by Phillips, who beat his drum in Sandmann’s face.

The Post offered up an editor’s note Friday, explaining that new information had come to light since the initial article was posted.

What the editor’s note did not include was the fact that the bulk of that “new information” was available within 48 hours of their initial story — but it was not until some 40 days had passed and a massive lawsuit was filed that any attempt to issue a correction was made.  more here

10 Comments on WAPO is A little too late

  1. …someone suggested that, since it is so life-altering in our current hypersensitive society to be accused of racism, that it should be a prosecutable hate crime to accuse someone of racism IF the claim is provably baseless and scurrilous, and with RICO specifications if the charge of racism was brought with malice.

    This would apply for both civil AND criminal court.

    I think the idea has merit, but I would ALSO say that, if the charge is made against a MINOR, then AUTOMATIC triple penalty.

    …you’d be amazed at how quickly fake hate would disappear from the public discourse, although this WOULD leave most Democrats incapable of communication completely…

  2. Supernightshade: Great idea, however in the unlikely event that such a law would ever be passed, the Dems would insert an exception for calling a (Republican) President a racist.

  3. It’s one thing to apologize when you’re threatened with a huge lawsuit you have a good chance of losing, and another thing to do it before that happens when you first realize you were wrong.

    Either way shows your character for what it is, either the good of it or the bad of it..

  4. When a lawyer for a newspaper tells to to print a retraction (or in this case a half-assed explanation) it’s only because he knows the paper is in huge trouble. The paper could easily lose the $250 Mill especially of the trial is held in the kids hometown or any red section of the state. Even to Bezos that’s not chicken feed especially if he;s going through the opening phases of a divorce. Remember when the Jury is deciding punitive damages they’ll have been told that Jeff Bezos owns the joint and as such shares responsibility and he’s worth $130 BILLION.

  5. I read through the original retraction, there was no apology to The Sandmann there. More like a half-assed, gee, we got caught with our pants down.


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