Who Shoulders the Burden of Federal Income Taxes? – IOTW Report

Who Shoulders the Burden of Federal Income Taxes?

TAX FOUNDATION.ORG: As we think about tax policy proposals designed to target specific or narrow groups of individuals, it’s important to understand who shoulders the burden of income taxes under the current system. The federal income tax system is already progressive, with high-income taxpayers paying a larger share of the tax burden under higher average tax rates than lower- and middle-income taxpayers.

Data from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) shows us who pays federal income taxes. As illustrated below, higher-income taxpayers are responsible for paying a significantly higher share of the tax, and this trend has increased over the past three decades. For instance, in 2016, the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid about 37 percent of federal income taxes, more than twelve times the tax burden of the bottom half of taxpayers.

We see a similar trend when looking at other income percentiles. The bottom 90 percent of taxpayers accounted for about 45 percent of the overall tax burden in 1986, compared to approximately 31 percent in 2016. Conversely, the top 10 percent of taxpayers have seen an increase in their tax burden over the same period, from 55 percent of total income taxes in 1986 to almost 70 percent in 2016.  more here

12 Comments on Who Shoulders the Burden of Federal Income Taxes?

  1. Sure as hell isn’t my neighbors. Anything withheld is returned plus a considerable amount as they pop out kids like crazy, receive food and medical assistance and then get giant refunds because of child tax credits. Pisses me off.

  2. Two things: Keep tariffs and increase them. Cut all federal programs that aren’t directly tied to national security. Oh, and a third thing: Tie foreign aid to emerging republican gov’ts.

  3. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnd… that’s just the taxes you see!
    There is a whole nuther layer of hidden taxes and fees that we pay that nobody talks about, but the greedy politicians salivate over cuz they know they can slap a nuther one on here and raise a few over there and nobody ever says anything about them because they either get passed on and factored into the price of the product or you just suck it up and pay! For example I just traveled I77 last November where they charge $2.00 three times in W Virginia. Traveled it again in February of this year and they DOUBLED it to $4.00 three times for a total of $12.00 – to travel on a federally funded highway… just as one small example!

  4. “The point of gov’t isn’t simply to make you pay; but to make you pay, repeatedly – that is, over and over, again – for the same thing (or for nothing).”

    Income taxes are immoral.
    Our Founders knew this – and that’s why our Constitution expressly forbade them.
    The Federal Leviathan could not have grown so monstrous without them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Tim March 5, 2019 at 9:02 am

    > Our Founders knew this – and that’s why our Constitution expressly forbade them.

    The raison d’être of the Constitution of the United States of America, was to shift money directly from the populace to the banksters. And it was explicitly written subject to change without notice, for the benefit of the banksters.

  6. gimu’s sister,
    I thought the whole “bankster” deal was made by the interpretation of a “Central Bank” by Jefferson in 1791, not in the Constitution.

    But Uncle Al would know more about this than I.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The wealthy have “pricing power” – that’s why they are able to extract a high income, therefore they are able to pass along ANY costs imposed on them. So any govt costs inflicted end up getting passed onto those with less ability to demand more pay. The (D)irtbags benefit by passing hidden costs onto the poor, then enlisting them in return for tiny shares of the (D)irtbag’s destructive looting of the nation.

    Taxes are less destructive than debt(rip off the kids), or inflating the currency (rip off savers and elderly on fixed income). Taxes are less concealed -I’d prefer for all govt income to be from sales tax -if the wealthy avoid spending money, that’s fine – it ends up available for investment, that’s the only alternative.

    A sales tax like that would make it obvious how much wealth the govt hogs in hidden ways.

    It’s the spending part where govt hogs resources into stupid and evil uses anyway. (D)irtbag politicians (of either party) prefer that we talk about taxes, rather than the worse ways they get money or idiot uses they put it to.

  8. Me, apparently.. And if you include county property taxes, state sales tax, etc, about 40+% of my income goes to taxes of some sort already. Incredible. IMO 10% is already excessive.

  9. Turbo,

    The taxes built into everything you buy?
    And then add the costs of regulation?

    You’re probably only getting about 10% of what you earn.

    izlamo delenda est …

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