Asked If She Denounces Maduro Regime in Venezuela, Ocasio-Cortez Attacks Elliott Abrams – IOTW Report

Asked If She Denounces Maduro Regime in Venezuela, Ocasio-Cortez Attacks Elliott Abrams


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) didn’t respond directly to a question Monday about whether to denounce the autocratic Nicolas Maduro regime in Venezuela, but she took it as an opportunity to attack U.S. special envoy Elliott Abrams.

At a press conference for her new congressional office’s opening in Queens, a reporter inquired about the situation unfolding in Venezuela. The country’s economy has collapsed under Maduro socialism, leading to food and medicine shortages and violent crackdowns against protests by his government.

“As a democratic socialist, I’m wondering what are your thoughts on the Venezuelan crisis happening right now and if you would denounce the Maduro regime?” a reporter asked.

Ocasio-Cortez said it was a “complex issue” and important to approach the humanitarian crisis there “very carefully.”

“I think it’s important that any solution that we have centers the Venezuelan people and centers the democracy of Venezuelan people first,” she said. “I am very concerned about U.S. interventionism in Venezuela, and I oppose it, especially when we talk about a figure like U.S. special envoy Elliott Abrams here. He’s pled guilty to several crimes related to Iran-Contra.”

“I am generally opposed to U.S. interventionism as a principle, but particularly under this administration and under his leadership, I think it’s a profound mistake,” she added.

The Trump administration is pressuring Maduro to step down after a re-election widely considered a scam that circumvented the Venezuelan constitution. The United States and dozens of other countries have backed Juan Guaido, head of Venezuela’s National Assembly, as the country’s rightful interim president and condemned Maduro as a dictator.


24 Comments on Asked If She Denounces Maduro Regime in Venezuela, Ocasio-Cortez Attacks Elliott Abrams

  1. She doesn’t have an educated foreign policy thought in that bug-eyed, donkey toothed head.

    Her opinions and talking points are given to her by the largest Democrat SuperPAC ActBlue by way of Justice Democrats.

    She needs to be cutting lemons for the lunch rush and go back to redistributing the day’s tips to herself instead of her co-workees that actually did the work. Sandy from Westchester.

  2. All things are “complex issues” to Cuntez. Except the issue on how things get paid for. That’s a simple issue. “Your biggest issssuuuuuueeee? is how we’re going to pay for it?”

    Other people’s money is an endless supply and a matter of simplicity to her.

  3. The whole world has to be laughing. How can anyone so stupid get elected or a college degree? If she’s this dumb, how damn dumb are her professors? Do American universities accept anyone with a pulse? Can SATs be bought? Was she Affirmative Action? What does the democrat/communist party see in her? Is this the best New York democrats can do?

  4. According to a headline I just read at badblue, she also recently said that the U.S. shouldn’t have used force against the 9/11 attackers.

    She’s like Elle Woods, without the charm.

  5. If the President considers Maduro’s election “a scam that circumvented the Venezuelan constitution” (which it was), just wait until the democrats get through with our 2020 election. Absolutely NOTHING has been done about the democrat cheating in the 2016 and 2018 elections. Now with the dems in control of congress, nothing will be done.

  6. AOC appears to enjoy talking and hearing herself. She is proud she sounds erudite, even though we hear only bable.

    I doubt her mind is more than two words ahead of her mouth.

  7. “I’ll take that as a yes!”

    I read yesterday that AOC won a science prize:
    “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won a prestigious science-fair prize for research involving free radicals.”

    Also, this:
    “It’s true!
    Science was my first passion. Asteroid named by
    ’s Lincoln Laboratory in honor of longevity experiments I conducted out of Mt. Sinai.

    My research won 2nd place globally in Microbiology at
    ISEF. At BU I started as science major, changed to Econ 🤓#nerdalert

  8. The heirs to the Bolsheviks are already planning to take care of this latest “Trotsky problem.” They don’t need any advice from us on how to do it, they have a lot of experience in that arena.

  9. @ She sure is making waves. Any bets on the date of AOC’s “mysterious disappearance”?

    I am in for a double sawbuck on November 18, 2019 and will go double or nothing on her exiting via the Ron Brown method

  10. Cortez has been chosen to reign as a political puppet, so she will always get her free “pass go, collect $200” from the Communists/Democrats in control. However, the US powers that be want to own Venezuela and intend to do a Libya/Iraq destruction, as necessary. The rat pack duo of Pompeo and Abrams are declaring that Venezuela submit willingly to US control or be forced to.
    Unprosecuted political criminals from out of past administrations don’t ever change their vile methods of taking over a country. Know history, know misery!

    Jon Schwarz
    January 30 2019

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