Facing Historic Lawsuits, Purdue Pharma Considers Bankruptcy – IOTW Report

Facing Historic Lawsuits, Purdue Pharma Considers Bankruptcy

WFB: Purdue Pharma, makers of the potent opioid painkiller OxyContin, is considering filing for bankruptcy as it faces nearly 2,000 lawsuits related to its role in the opioid crisis.

The pharmaceutical firm and its owners, the ultra-wealthy Sackler family, face a legal onslaught which could eclipse even the 1998 Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement, Reuters reports.

The company stands accused of using deceptive and misleading marketing practices to push opioid painkillers for long-term use on doctors and patients based on nearly non-existent scientific evidence. More than 1,600 states, cities, and other municipalities are suing, in a case consolidated in federal court in Northern Ohio.  more here

17 Comments on Facing Historic Lawsuits, Purdue Pharma Considers Bankruptcy

  1. People practically beg their doctors for opiates for the slightest discomfort knowing good and well they are addictive. Like cigarettes they come with a risk and claiming ignorance is bullshit. This is more ambulance chasing lawyers at work here.
    No pity for these carping scum.

  2. I just don’t have it in me to find sympathy for pharmaceutical companies and I say that irrespective of their guilt or innocence. I don’t watch broadcast television at home, but I do see it when visiting my mother or friends and the sonsabitches are running one commercial after another that is nothing more than coaching people to go into doctor’s offices and more or less demand that the doctor prescribe the drugs these companies are pushing.

    Screw the bastards.

    That being said, the plaintiffs in this case are even more deceitful and treacherous. I will go on the record as saying that there is not one Goddamned politician among the pieces of shit pushing this lawsuit who has any intention of dedicating monies recovered to anything other than wild eyed spending on whatever they think will buy them the most votes. Not a Goddamned one.

  3. I’m of s split mind on this one. Purdue certainly was deceptive in playing down the risk of addiction to this drug. Doctors who listened to the reps and didn’t believe (or ignored) their own eyes when they saw their patients coming back for more and more oxy (I sure part of their training was how to recognize and treat drug seeking behavior) and did nothing for fear of losing the patient and finally the individuals who were prescribed the drug and ignored they own body mechanism which told them to stop when the pain began to diminish on it’s own before it was time for another hit or new they had a problem and did not try to find help. One thing I’d like to see is how many oxy addicts are out there that never received a prescription for the drug but still managed to get their hands on some and got themselves hooked. These people, regardless of age, should not be allowed to sue. The rest of the liability needs to be spread around and not hammered on the one entity with the big pockets.

  4. People who abuse opioid drugs make life extremely difficult for those who truly need those medications in order to be able to live a somewhat normal life, due to chronic pain. The ability to lawfully ease suffering can mean the difference between continuing to struggle and suicide.

  5. Understands the high road talking souls that have never had a need for any form of chronic (24/7) pain relief.
    Don’t wish it on anyone.
    However when it does come to you, bet your tune will change very quickly.
    Yep, addiction happens. Personally been there.
    The other side is called threshold. When it no longer relieves the pain.
    The only other thing to do is learn how to live with it.
    Best regards to all sincerely.

  6. Oxycontin saved my sanity when I had both knees replaced at once. The hospital gave the bare minimum of Vicodin they could give. I have a very high tolerance for pain but the pain was nothing less than agony. It felt like I was standing on massive jagged shards of thick glass. At the rehab//physical therapy facility they mercifully used Oxycontin before the AM and PM therapy. They tapered the dose down the 2nd week and I was much better by then. My fear is this will make doctors reluctant to prescribe a necessary level of pain relief for surgical//cancer pain. It certainly has at our local hospital.

    2 years ago when I had the really bad feral cat bite and had to be on IV antibiotics for 3 days the pain med was so minimal it only brought the pain level down to a 4 or 5. I had my husband smuggle in some aspirin and to hell with the doc. When I left the facility after being sliced and diced by the hand surgeon I didn’t see any point in taking the Vicodin prescription they offered. Aspirin was cheaper and more effective.

    I am too uptight and wired to want to be out of control with drugs or alcohol. Besides I have an addiction to all this glorious hand dyed indie yarn.

  7. I’ve had oxy prescribed on a few occasions and was extremely grateful for the SHORT TERM pain control. I was well aware of the potential for addiction and used only 1 or 2 pills, kept the rest for dire emergencies. So I’m a big fan of “big pharma” . They have helped me more than filthy shuyster lawyers and greedy grandstanding politicians. So unless you really long for the good old days of treating pain with a heavy blow to the head, I’d reconsider cheering the lawyers against my friends making new and better pain killers and curing illness.

  8. Eugenia
    ‘both knees replaced at once’?
    Was it due to a car accident?
    Never heard of that happening before.
    Had Fem-pops done on both legs, took a year in between.
    Sorry to hear about the feral cats.I would have put them down in a heart beat
    Best wishes to you,,

  9. @No Blushes, old figure skating injuries came back to haunt me. There was bone grinding on bone in both knees. I didn’t want to be in the hospital twice because I despise the places so I opted to have both done at the same time with 2 surgeons working together.
    The feral cat lives now inside now. It was my fault because I didn’t handle the trapping properly. Mama cat had babies the next day.

    That reminds me it must be 2 years now that our dear IOTWR friend GreetingFromYonkers (Sedra) passed away. I still miss her commentary here.


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