Smugglers Force Thousands of Child Migrants Into Prostitution – IOTW Report

Smugglers Force Thousands of Child Migrants Into Prostitution

ET: WASHINGTON—Hundreds of thousands of people head to the United States every year in search of a better life, many by paying a smuggler thousands of dollars to get them in the back door—across the southwest border illegally. Others, as in the recent bust of a sex-trafficking ring in Florida, are lured by temporary work visas and then forced into servitude.

A smuggler often promises a better life in the United States, a job, or maybe even a love interest, said Greg Nevano, assistant director of ICE Homeland Security Investigations’ investigative programs.

“Many times, you’ll see parents [who] want their children to have a better life … send their child along with a friend, a cousin,” he said.

“And along the route—which is a long journey to the United States—the smugglers will then exploit the children. They’ll say, if you don’t pay us additional money, or if you do not perform these types of activities—some of which are sexual activity, some of them could be forced labor—we will kill your family back home.”

The scope of the problem is mind-boggling, going by a recent estimate by expert Timothy Ballard.

8 Comments on Smugglers Force Thousands of Child Migrants Into Prostitution

  1. When the demonrats / leftist shamelessly promote infanticide – do you really believe they would care even an itsy tiny bit about children or the young being preyed upon and forced into prostitution ? Encouraging illegal immigration takes priority over all else, or equal to harassing PDJT & associates.


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