Bongino: In investigating Trump, Democrats turn to desperate police-state tactics – IOTW Report

Bongino: In investigating Trump, Democrats turn to desperate police-state tactics

FOX: Last week the unfounded allegations that President Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election completely collapsed. But congressional Democrats are nevertheless pushing forward in a desperate search for evidence of wrongdoing against the president, using tactics reminiscent of the Soviet secret police under dictator Josef Stalin.

One of the central tenets of the unfounded collusion allegations against Trump is the claim that Michael Cohen, the president’s former lawyer, had gone to Prague in the Czech Republic to coordinate the supposed collusion and conspiracy with the Russians. But Cohen debunked that in his congressional testimony last week, saying he has never been to Prague.

So now House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler of New York and his fellow Trump-hating Democrats are moving on from the collusion allegations to obstruction of justice allegations against the president. If they can’t pin collusion on President Trump, the Democrats will go on a massive fishing investigation to find something – anything – to accuse him of.

Nadler’s claim is that Trump obstructed the collusion investigation. The obstruction charge would seem to indicate that the Democrats have evidence that the president took steps to stop the FBI from investigating him.

But there is no evidence of crimes that can be used in a case against the president. Instead, the Democrats are clearly targeting President Trump looking for crimes.

What is happening now only reinforces a police-state attitude that investigations by Congress and law enforcement agencies can target people instead of crimes. Why? Because Donald Trump didn’t commit any crimes.

Think about the danger of this approach. If you want to see a perfect example of what can happen when it is adopted by a government just look at the Soviet Union under Stalin, who ruled with an iron fist from 1929 to 1953 and killed millions of his own people.

No one knows the exact death toll in Stalin’s police state, but The New York Times reported in 1989 that a Soviet weekly newspaper “published the most detailed accounting of Stalin’s victims yet presented to a mass audience here, indicating that about 20 million died in labor camps, forced collectivization, famine and executions.”

Stalin’s secret police chief, Lavrentiy Beria, once famously said: “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” In other words, Beria said he could produce evidence against anyone of criminal activity.

Ironically this same tactic was used against Beria after Stalin’s death when Beria was accused of treason and executed in 1953.  MORE

12 Comments on Bongino: In investigating Trump, Democrats turn to desperate police-state tactics

  1. Stonewall, delay, refuse to comply, PDT. And if you do give them anything, print it out and bury it in a pallet of boxes full of reams of extraneous bullshit. But what am Intelling you this for? You know how this works.

  2. Even the appearance of objective legal proceedings and fairness has completely disappeared from the Democrat party.

    They pay no attention to truth, justice, or equal application of law to all, and are actually proudly proclaiming it.

  3. “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.”

    But that is the essence of what, oh… let’s call them “differently mentally abled” patriots… call a republic. The purpose, the sole purpose, of a “search warrant” is to create evidence of a crime. One doesn’t “search” for witnesses to a crime (though one can, publicly, ask them to reveal themselves). One doesn’t hack someone’s devices to see what may be seen. One doesn’t break into anyone’s anything to “collect” evidence that can be seen. The modern (some dare call them) “republic” is founded on looking for what is currently, or can be made (“rules subject to change, without notice”) a crime. So the enemy’s of the republic can be punished. According to law being declared enemy’s of the republic members of the Party.

    (And, of course, what the Party declares “not evidence,” even in plain sight, is not criminal. I thought that would go without saying. But then I remembered, “differently mentally abled” patriots.)

  4. Maybe Trump is seen by some of the ****sh bolsheviks as standing in their way of globalist NWO……………..or is that too simple. Just as certain terrorists hang out at some mosque, maybe ……….

  5. American voters better wake up soon, the Swamp Rats from both sides of the isle are running Washington now and will stop at nothing to take/keep control away from voters who oppose them.

  6. Perry, I think the American, for the most part, voters are awake. But when Democratic election officials are able to keep finding “uncounted ballots” (on which the ink is still wet) there is little they can do about it.

    “Obstruction of justice” is to politicians what “civil forfeiture” is to police departments. You can go after somebody without ever having to prove there was a crime to begin with.

  7. Gee … Beria looked like such a nice guy … not all snarly-mean like J. Edgar Hoover … or that German dude …

    And … well … y’know … inner national socialism’s like … y’know … so much more better’n than national socialism … uhh … or that other one … at …

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I emailed the President to open investigations into every dem in the House and Senate. We all know they are criminals who have been bribed, mis-use their authority, have unlawful sex, violate their oath to uphold the Constitution, and are hypocrites of the first order on every law they have ever passed.
    I urge everyone to encourage the President to fight fire with fire.


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