Arkansas High school student saves for over 2 years to buy his friend a new wheelchair – IOTW Report

Arkansas High school student saves for over 2 years to buy his friend a new wheelchair

ABC: One high school student’s generosity and kindness toward a fellow classmate is warming hearts across the nation.

Tanner Wilson, a senior at Caddo Hills High School in the rural town of Norman, Arkansas, bought an electric wheelchair for his classmate and friend, Brandon Qualls. It took Wilson more than two years to save up money from his part-time job to afford one.

“He’s just been a really good friend and I wanted to do him a favor,” Wilson told local television station KTHV in an interview last week. “I just felt like I needed to do it, and I wanted to do it.”

For years, Qualls had been using a self-propelled wheelchair to get around.

“My arms would get really tired, and I would have to stop and take rests,” Qualls told KTHV.  SEE MORE



h/t Poindexter.

11 Comments on Arkansas High school student saves for over 2 years to buy his friend a new wheelchair

  1. Uh oh. The school mascot is an Indian. They should have kept it quiet; now all the PC police will come out of the woodwork and attack the school.

    He’s a good young man to make that sacrifice, especially since he doesn’t see it as such.

  2. I don’t want to take away any shine from this young man’s good deed. Good for him. But for the information of the readers here at IOTW you must know that the wheelchair industry is a big scam. Many cost as much as a car because most are paid by third parties (insurance, medicare, etc.). If you had to pay for a new wheelchair “out of pocket” you would surely be ripped off. In many cases after they have served their purpose they are almost worthless and many people will either donate them or sell them very cheap. THAT is where you can get a killer deal on a used wheelchair. A friend of mine is a large Ebay seller and he repairs and sells dozens of wheelchairs. (The cost of shipping is expensive but still waaaay cheaper than buying a new one.)

  3. If we (taxpayers) can pay the rent, buy the food, allow all medical care for who are too stupid or too lazy to work, then we (taxpayers) can front the money for electric wheelchairs for those so unfortunate that need them or want them.
    We, (taxpayers) are taxed to pay for the health and welfare of foreign nationals, school their children,then we should be able to provide care for our own citizens without a tome of regulations.

    I commend the parents of this child and his dedication to help his friend. He and others like him are our future.


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