Bring on the Mueller Report! – IOTW Report

Bring on the Mueller Report!

American Greatness: 

April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire. So T.S. Elliot reminds us of the juxtaposition of rot and rebirth in April as the Spring thaws accelerate decomposition to make way for new life.

April 2019 will mark the third anniversary of the Clinton team hiring Fusion GPS to spin a story that was never intended to withstand this much scrutiny. Only the barest outlines of the original fable remain intact: It’s confirmed, as the dossier alleges, that a country called Russia exists and it’s led currently by a man named Vladimir Putin. Much of the rest has decomposed into a dead land.

Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign manager, did not oversee “collusion” between the campaign and the Kremlin. Trump’s erstwhile lawyer Michael Cohen did not travel to Prague to pay Russian hackers. No video has emerged of Trump in a hotel room with micturating prostitutes. Carter Page denied (without contradiction) striking a deal to exchange Trump’s foreign policy stance for a vast stake in the Russian oil company.

Now the new chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who repeatedly has claimed to have seen secret evidence of Russia’s collusion with Trump, now demands that Mueller’s final report be made public. Schiff, a “Costanza” hoax-booster of the highest order, normally opposes Russia collusion transparency—unless the release is properly curated by fellow Trump haters. Schiff has made huge promises about secret evidence of collusion, saying, “I can tell you that the case is more than that and I can’t go into the particulars, but there is more than circumstantial evidence now.” That was in March 2017. Note the subtle shift in Schiff’s position last year: “I’ve never said that there was proof beyond a reasonable doubt. That’s for Bob Mueller to decide.”

Really? I thought it was for the Senate to decide after a trial in which the president has the opportunity to defend himself. But, of course, I date myself in my naïve attachment to the Constitution as was before Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Three Years of Innuendo and Leaks
Schiff has reason to be optimistic that the team assembled under Mueller will indeed properly curate the rotting fruit of his sprawling and aggressive investigation. The special counsel is a Clinton-aligned revenge squad with badges and search warrants that seamlessly accepted the handoff from Fusion GPS to champion Team Clinton’s thirst to punish Trump’s election victory.  more here

9 Comments on Bring on the Mueller Report!

  1. Idiots all over the web have been frothing at the mouth for 2 years with their “Mueller Time” taunts. They proselytized all manner of “knowledge” for many months that a crime against the country was committed and they will have their day. They revel in the fantasy of watching our President frog-marched down the steps of the White House.
    So…what now, Beavis?
    I do hope they’ve mortgaged their house and placed bets in Vegas that the day will come.
    They’re not going to be able to handle this news.
    And the cherry on top will be his re-election.
    Better keep the Suicide Hot Line clear for these losers.
    It will be a sight to see.

  2. The reason it is taking so long to create the report is Mueller has to create something from nothing. It will be filled with innuendo but no substance. But it will have just enough so the weak-minded will have something to point to and say “see, orange man Bad”.

  3. Ok, who, besides me, had to look up the meaning of “micturating? I mean, because of the use in the sentence structure and the ongoing premise of Trump and the hookers, I already knew, but felt compelled to verify it. Had never heard that word before. Learn something everyday.

    “Man, I have to micturate like a mofo! “My back teeth are floatin’!” Said nobody ever.

  4. “Manafort will be out in 2 years.”

    MJA, he’s still awaiting sentencing on his other “crimes”. And the MSM is assuring us that these sentences are going to be much harsher. So maybe three years.


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