Democrats are fighting: DEUTCH Vs. OMAR, HOYER Vs. SANDERS – IOTW Report

Democrats are fighting: DEUTCH Vs. OMAR, HOYER Vs. SANDERS


Democratic Florida Rep. Ted Deutch criticized Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar on Thursday for spreading “classic anti-Semitic lies” and said his fellow House Democrats aren’t doing enough to hold her accountable.

Deutch criticized Democrats for changing a House resolution condemning anti-Semitism to include other forms of hate.

“Why are we unable to singularly condemn anti-Semitism? Why can’t we call out anti-Semitism and show that we’ve learned the lessons of history? It feels like we’re only able to call the use anti-Semitic language by a colleague of ours, any colleague of ours, if we’re addressing all forms of hatred. And it feels like we can’t call it anti-Semitism, unless everybody agrees it’s anti-Semitism,” Deutch said in a passionate speech on the House floor…




House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer disagreed with Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in regards to his defense of Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar during an appearance Thursday on MSNBC.

Omar has been accused of espousing anti-Semitic views while trying to criticize Israel. In particular, she questioned if some members of Congress have a “dual loyalty” to the U.S. and Israel.

“We must not, however, equate anti-Semitism with legitimate criticism of the right-wing, Netanyahu government in Israel,” reads Sanders’ statement on the issue in part. “Rather, we must develop an even-handed Middle East policy which brings Israelis and Palestinians together for a lasting peace.”

“I think that is incorrect, I think he is correct that we don’t want to stifle debate. This is not about debate. This is about stereotypes, this is about language that has been used for a very long period of time to demean and discriminate against Jews,” Hoyer stated. “And other people, because as you know they — the resolution has been broadened, but I disagree with Senator Sanders that this is about free speech and about discussing policies or frankly the Netanyahu administration — putting in its coalition a party that has used racist and hate speech.”…


17 Comments on Democrats are fighting: DEUTCH Vs. OMAR, HOYER Vs. SANDERS

  1. Being cynical here — this internal cat-fight is all about the Benjamins … they do not want to lose any big-donor Jewish contributions. So there will be a public chastising, while behind the scenes, the Dems will think and act as they will.

    Unfortunately, Jews have very short memories … Never Forget is a pathetic joke.

  2. I have often wondered just why Jews vote Democrat.
    It makes absolutely no sense to me.
    The blacks I get, Dims gibs dem free stuff.
    They were Republicans until LBJ started feeding them, then they became Yogi, stealing pic-a-nic baskets.
    Most Jews I have ever known, hard working business men.
    Like I said, makes no sense.

  3. Dance puppets, dance!

    Show everyone that the only difference between your fucking nutbags and the party standard bearers is an agreement to not actually say what you believe and really want to do.

  4. DEMOCRATS: “Trump is literally Hitler!”
    ALSO DEMOCRATS: “Anti-Semitism is just a different, equally valid moral point of view.”

    Democrats have *never* had a problem having problems.

  5. Are you trying to tell me Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar and Keith Ellison and all those nasty Congressional Black Caucus people DON’T have dual loyalties?

    Hate America is their first loyalty and Rape The US Treasury is their second loyalty.

  6. The Democrat Party is rife with opportunists, it was only a matter of time before open inter constituency conflict could no longer be suppressed. It has always been there, it is now at a boiling point and could result in a civil war within the Democrat Party and perhaps a complete dissolution if viable coalitions cannot be formed that leave one with enough gravitas to be relevant on a National level. We can only hope.

    Regardless, the eRepublicans are too stupid and/or corrupt to capitalize on these events.


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