Elijah’s Cumming for Your Seat Mr. Governor – IOTW Report

Elijah’s Cumming for Your Seat Mr. Governor

DMF: You’ll probably remember the lovely, and  robust Stacey Abrams, the socialist Democrat who ran for governor of Georgia despite owing nearly $200,000 in back taxes and having no executive experience to speak of, who lost her election to Republican Brian Kemp by almost 55,000 votes. You’ll probably also remember that Abrams put on a sore loser act that would shame even Al Gore, refusing to concede the election and proceeding to start a “voting rights” group to fight “voter suppression” like that she continues to allege.

Well this week the Democrats in charge of the U.S. House of Representatives, in the person of House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah “Bullet Head” Cummings, who reps for the Baltimore ghetto, announced Wednesday the dems were launching an investigation into allegations of voter suppression in Georgia. Bullet Head and crew are demanding the receipts to the election Brian Kemp stuffed in his pants and walked off with when he thought no one was looking. You see, Kemp was also the Georgia secretary of state. And he’s white.

Now Georgia, like other states,  has “use it or lose it” laws, which means if you go a long time without voting they’ll put you on “unverified” status and if you turn up at the polls you’ll need to SHOW A VOTER ID to vote. That’s a measure designed to PREVENT VOTER FRAUD and it’s a sensible one. But this is known as “voter suppression,” according to today’s Democrat Party. Heaven forbid we try and have a free and fair election where a vote cast is a vote counted, not cancelled out by fraud.   more here

19 Comments on Elijah’s Cumming for Your Seat Mr. Governor

  1. This is the best the Baltimore ghetto has to offer? Good Gawd. Clueless retard will never be as smart as AOC, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, or Sheila Jackson Lee. Combined IQ of that pathetic gaggle of losers might be in the mid 40s. Maybe. Time to organize Special Olympics event featuring those voted into office by democrats. First event should be second grade spelling.

  2. With that natural bullet head of his he could’ve costarred along with Leonard Nimoy in Zombies from the Stratosphere that early 50’s serial sci fi flick that had bullet headed Martians (with bullet headed space/rocket helmets) trying to conquer the Earth by blowing it up with H bombs. That serial makes more sense than he does and it’s a real stinkeroo but a guilty pleasure at the same time.

  3. “Rise of the Milk Duds!”

    All the brain-dead, lying, worthless, imbecilic, stupid, disingenuous, lying (?) sacks-of-shit from Retard-i-stan are creeping out of the woodwork.

    Ordinarily, you’d figure them to be – what? – 2% of the population?
    Now – I don’t know – sheesh!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I live in the gerrymandered district that keeps voting this jerk into office. It’s mostly Baltimore, but stretches tentacles way out into the adjoining counties. Seriously, I live 45 minutes from Baltimore.
    That city is one of the nation’s premier shitholes. Ride the train through it – You can see miles upon miles of abandoned row-houses in every portion of the city.


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