Pentagon to activate transgender military ban – IOTW Report

Pentagon to activate transgender military ban

DC: A federal judge removed a bar on President Donald Trump’s ban on transgender individuals serving in the military Thursday as litigation in the case moves forward.

U.S. District Judge George Russell ruled Thursday that an injunction should not stand, reversing his earlier decision, CNN reported. A final decision on the case, however, has not been reached.

Persons diagnosed with gender dysphoria who have undergone hormone therapy or gender reassignment surgery cannot enlist in the military under the ban, CBS News reported. Those who have been diagnosed but have not gone through treatments are still eligible, and transgender personnel currently serving will not be barred from continuing to serve.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is “pleased this procedural hurdle has been cleared,” according to a statement, CNN reported.  read more

16 Comments on Pentagon to activate transgender military ban

  1. The insidious nature of Marxism is to present the unnatural as natural in order to generate maximum chaos into the host and destroy it.

    The need for marxists to destroy our military in its present form is obvious and was a top priority for a homosexual Commander in Chief.

    Ironically the white hats that the anti-American Muslim was unable to purge from military intelligence will be the ones responsible for bringing him to justice.

    Hillary said “ If this bastard wins, we are all gonna hang” and she is not wrong (for once).

    We are in the fight of our lives against a satanic worldwide cabal that has used over 100 years of Marxism to destroy America, they would have succeeded if the demonic creature Hillary had won.

    We have a brief respite and you can see the palpable terror of exposure the deep state has in the magnitude of hysteria exhibited by the “resistance”

    As Ben Franklin said, We have given you a republic if you can keep it…IOTW is one arrow in the quiver of patriots willing to do so.

  2. There are too many conflicting reports of the number of people who have so-called “gender dysphoria” who have worn or are wearing a U.S. service uniform, and it would take too much time for me to research the backgrounds of those advocating for them to serve and for them to receive VA benefits related to “transitioning” — administration of drugs and surgeries. But one article I read, dated June, 2016, announced the “new rule” that allows vets and service members to be treated for gender dysphoria by the VA, using tax-payer money to undergo their transitions.

    Then in November, 2016, Mother Jones reported that the VA had scrapped plans to offer those services because of budget concerns.

    In any event, it made me wonder if the DoD was becoming a magnet for people with sketchy mental stability by offering free services to them.

  3. @Cisco Kid March 9, 2019 at 10:29 am

    > Ironically the white hats that the anti-American Muslim was unable to purge from military intelligence will be the ones responsible for bringing him to justice.
    > Hillary said “ If this bastard wins, we are all gonna hang” and she is not wrong (for once).

    That’s not irony. It’s a non sequitur.

    I wouldn’t rule out Hillary on the gallows. (I’d be far, far less likely to rule it in. Though I can’t, quite, rule it out.) But never in these United States.

    > As Ben Franklin said, We have given you a republic if you can keep it

    Long gone. If Americans want a country, they’ll have to find it elsewhere.

  4. So no high-heel combat boots? Cammo lipstick? Pink rifles?

    Obama was such a malignant tumor. Obama paved the way for maggots like cortez, omar, tlaib, etc.

    Our country cannot stay bound as one union anymore. Maybe, if we take back our schools and can manage to hang on for another generation or two. But the left is a violent fascist movement, and it will get bad before it gets better.


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