Democrats tell McCarthy that some confided in him they want Dem Rep. Ilhan Omar removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee – IOTW Report

Democrats tell McCarthy that some confided in him they want Dem Rep. Ilhan Omar removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee



WASHINGTON — House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told reporters Friday that some Democrats confided in him they want Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Their concerns come after Omar made comments some interpreted as anti-Semitic.

“The progressive wing — the socialism wing of the party — fought back, and they won, so they had to water it down and on the second time this language coming out of her voice. No apology this time, and no removal of committees,” McCarthy said. “I believe if you talk to a number of these Democratic members they think she should be removed from her committees.”

McCarthy continued, “I’ve had Democrat members come up to me and say that — yes. Those are private conversations and I’ll keep it private. I don’t want to harm the Democrats within their own conference.”  read more

7 Comments on Democrats tell McCarthy that some confided in him they want Dem Rep. Ilhan Omar removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee

  1. I bet there are a couple of Dems on the Financial Services Committee who would like to see Ocasio-Cortez sent packing from there. Those committee meetings must be pretty awkward and tense now. Sorry Dems, the GOP can’t swing the axe for you. It’s only going to get worse if you ignore it.

  2. Keep the Bitch there along with the Amazing Cortex simply to put on display, out front and center, how the Left has completely co-opted the DNC. Right now the DNC can read the tea leaves and knows that the USA is not ready to launch whole-sale Socialism…. but when things look favorable the will jump all over it guaranteed!

  3. I think the Democrats are beginning to worry what their chances for re-election get progressively smaller the more these anti-Semitic idiots alienate a rather large Democratic constituency. It’s hard to portray Republicans as evil when it is Democrats that call for killing Jews.

  4. DemocRATz are acquiring a bad case of the Oh Shitz! They’re starting to realize that they bit off more than they can chew, they’ve run out of Imodium and can’t find corks big enough for their assholes! Worse yet, the little monkey’s left town!!


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