Representative Doug Collins Releases Bruce Ohr Transcript and Announces More to Follow – IOTW Report

Representative Doug Collins Releases Bruce Ohr Transcript and Announces More to Follow

Conservative Treehouse: 

The push-back begins. Today, Representative Doug Collins spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives and announced his frustrated intention to start releasing transcripts from testimony by DOJ and FBI officials who participated in an Obama-era conspiracy to weaponize the DOJ and FBI against their political opposition.



According to earlier review of the transcript Bruce Ohr gave testimony he accepted a thumb drive from Glenn Simpson (Nellie’s employer – Fusion GPS), and another from his wife Nellie Ohr, and he passed them along to FBI Special Agent Joe Pientka.

When we overlay Bruce Ohr’s wife, Nellie, things start to clarify.

As we discovered yesterday, Nellie Ohr was working for the DOJ-NSD (national security division) in 2016, at the same time she was working for Fusion GPS.

Nellie Ohr was obviously a DOJ-NSD contractor providing analysis on issues relating to Russia and Organized Crime.  The release from Judicial Watch outlined consistent Nellie Ohr work within government throughout the time-frame within their FOIA request.  It’s likely, hell damn certain, the Nellie Ohr government work also extends beyond the time limits within the FOIA.

So we know, with certainty, Nellie Ohr was working for Fusion-GPS and the DOJ at the same time. This becomes more important when we overlay a Daily Caller report of Nellie Ohr’s testimony which showed her research focus into the Trump family travel:

“How about Donald Trump Jr.? Did you do more in-depth research on Donald Trump Jr. than some of the others?” she was asked.

“I’m afraid it was relatively superficial. It was,” adding that, “I looked into some of his travels and you know not sure how much detail I remember, at this point.”

“Ivanka Trump?”

“I looked into some of her travels,” said Ohr.

The goal was “to see whether they were involved in dealings and transactions with people who had had suspicious pasts.”  (read more)

This becomes more of a central issue when we go back to the mistake about Michael Cohen within the Steele Dossier; that was also a mistake about travel.  [Cohen in Prague]   Our suspicion has always been that Nellie Ohr was exploiting her CIA authorized access to the FBI/NSA database doing research (ie. FISA abuse).

Additionally, it has always appeared to be evident that Nellie actually sent her research material to Christopher Steele (another Fusion GPS contractor), who was tasked to verify, find supplemental sourcing, launder the research and present it as a more official looking intelligence product…. The Steele Dossier.  Get More

9 Comments on Representative Doug Collins Releases Bruce Ohr Transcript and Announces More to Follow

  1. Let’s take care of barak, michelle & hilly first. Get them behind bars, then urge all others to come forward. 5/6 of DC will be locked up (time depending on their cooperation). We’ll force-feed them Bible studies and pray for their salvation.

  2. meyou, Better to work from peons to the puppet masters. Each peon rats on the people over them in exchange for some leniency. I love that the puppet masters will be sweating out the whole process knowing that something Justice this way comes.


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