Yet another hate crime hoax at yet another expensive college – IOTW Report

Yet another hate crime hoax at yet another expensive college

American Thinker:

Another hate crime hoax has convulsed an expensive private college and yielded a mass demonstration by “more than 100” black students (out of a student body of 1,450), and the predictable list of seven demands, including race-based hiring favoring blacks and brainwashing (AKA mandatory “cultural competency” training).

So far as I can tell, no national media have picked up the story of the arrest of Ajani Arthur, a black student at Goucher College (tuition: $43,440) who allegedly created graffiti that “depicted swastikas, the letters ‘KKK’ and appeared to include the last names of four black students, including Arthur.”  A previous incident last November, one floor below where the current graffiti were found and attributed to Arthur, said, “all ‘n——‘ on campus would be killed.”

The U.K. Daily Mail is doing the job that the American national media refuse to do, with the most extensive coverage of the fraud (though local media, including the Baltimore SunWashington Times, and the alleged perp’s hometown paper, along with the College Fix, managed to take notice).  A Google search for Goucher College yields no note of the incident at all:

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11 Comments on Yet another hate crime hoax at yet another expensive college

  1. “The reporting of hate crimes has escalated.” – Progs
    “How many convictions?” – Joe Dan
    “What is your name, you’re going on my list.” – Irritated Prog

  2. My vision of utopia is the MSM doing honest and factual reporting, (it’s a pipe dream, I know).
    But it would result in most of America’s problems solving themselves.

  3. How many “hate crimes” of this type actually turn out to be real hate crimes and how many fake?

    I’m thinking (probably) most of them, but other than trying to follow up on each one individually I have no idea who keeps such statistics and how to find and access them.

  4. Lying to promote their cause is part of the game plan for liberals.

    Truth, honesty, and God are three enemies of Liberal/socialists. These things are traits of old, wealthy white men and women who use them to oppress the masses and keep them poor.

    Thy learned well from Marx.

  5. Dude is the whitest “black” person I have ever seen. Did you check out his photo? Even if institutional racism were a real thing, he would never be subjected to it because he totally passes for white. He even is a Lacrosse player. Prolly the whitest sport in the world. He made up a hate crime hoax to seal his status as an oppressed minority. Must have been tired of being mistaken for a member of the evil white patriarchy.

  6. The real question is: How long before people are tired of the Federal Goberment and take up arms and hang all the treasonous scum in the District of Columbia? I’m surprised it hasn’t already happened…

  7. (looks at watch)
    When does the democRAT party start skidding in their own flop sweat of desperation?
    Booker T Washington said it best over one hundred years ago:
    “There is class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

    Ginned-up “Racism” pays and pays well. If the concept of racism vaporized off the face of the Earth today, there would be one Hell of a lot of people out of a job tomorrow!


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