So much for all that romanticization of ancient cultures — Peru finds evidence of huge child massacres – IOTW Report

So much for all that romanticization of ancient cultures — Peru finds evidence of huge child massacres

American Thinker: 

The Left obsessively romanticizes ancient cultures — purer, closer to Mother Earth, matriarchal, greener, more progressive.  And these cultures’ contacts with the West (and Christianity in particular) — were Always Bad.  But the truth has gotten out yet again about how harsh and inhuman these cultures were in a news story about unprecedented child sacrifice discovered in an ancient empire in Peru, the Chimú civilization.

The Los Angeles Times reports:

Anthropologists have found evidence of a mass ritual killing that involved the deaths of more than 140 children, three adults, and at least 200 young llamas on the northern coast of Peru.

The archaeological site, known as Huanchaquito-Las Llamas, represents one of the largest known cases of mass child sacrifice ever seen in the Americas.

Gabriel Prieto, a professor of archaeology from the National University of Trujillo who started excavating Huanchaquito-Las Llamas in 2011, said the discovery shocked him and his colleagues.

“In Peru we are familiar with human bones, but in this particular case there were so many skeletons and they were all children,” he said.  “It was astonishing.”

The sacrificial victims ranged in age from 6 to 14, and appear to have been killed in a well-planned and choreographed event on a single, horrific day.  Their mummified bones were found carefully arranged with their heads facing the ocean and their feet facing the mountains.  Many of their remains were found with the bones of one or two young llamas lying on top of them.

The children, both boys and girls, all appear to have been killed in the same way — with a single horizontal slice across the sternum.

As if all this wasn’t gruesome enough, researchers say that many of the children’s rib cages appear to have been pried apart.  This suggests that their hearts were removed shortly after they died.


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8 Comments on So much for all that romanticization of ancient cultures — Peru finds evidence of huge child massacres

  1. The fact of the matter was they didn’t have a lot to go around and they found ritualistic ways to ‘thin the heard’. They didn’t have the luxury of supporting anybody they didn’t think would be strong. It wasn’t that long ago that people lived with what they had…or they just didn’t live. Life was cheap.
    Bring a couple of them back in Mr Peabody’s Wayback Machine and they would be amazed at the sheer number of worthless, federal tit-sucking parasites that our society supports! Hell, they might even go back start killing anything that resembled a democRAT!

  2. Not everyone who watched Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto got the point of the movie.
    The final scene of the movie has a ship off shore in Central America. It kind of looks dreadful. The evil white men are coming.
    But the previous three hours of the movie illustrated how truly horrific life in the Mayan jungle REALLY was.
    The reality is that the Europeans brought a much more peaceful civil life than these people were experiencing before.
    Yet people believe otherwise.

  3. Lies of modern liberals about the peaceful and environmentally conscious aboriginal people all over the globe.

    They were bloodthirsty peoples always sacrificing the young to their multiple gods.

    Then, Jesus came and taught us to be better. Liberals still don’t get it. It’s their moral equivalency that forces them to equate the Catholic Inquisition to the slaughter of the innocents in places like Peru.

  4. So the ancient aliens taught mankind how to build pyramids in order to have a highly advanced place to practice ritualistic child slaughter.

    Now we’re gettin’ somewhere.

  5. Waiting for LIR… blah blah forced breeders…blah blah my tumor, my body blah blah rape incest disease poor people blah blah….

    Evil just keeps coming around and around


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