Robert Spencer: How Long Before “Islamophobia” Becomes A Criminal Offense Requiring Imprisonment? – IOTW Report

Robert Spencer: How Long Before “Islamophobia” Becomes A Criminal Offense Requiring Imprisonment?

Geller Report:

You may think that’s a ridiculous question. The United States would never imprison people for criticizing Islam, would it? After all, we have the First Amendment!

Sure. But consider this. The whole world, East, West, North South, agrees that insulting Christianity and Judaism is a courageous act, and often even an artistic one, to be awarded by applause from the intelligentsia, and often with awards, honors, and cash grants. The whole world also agrees that insulting Islam, even including correct analysis of how jihadis use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and supremacism, is a heinous crime that must be punished. In the West, it is punished by means of deplatforming, denial of service by social media giants and credit card corporations, and vilification in the most lurid of terms in the mainstream press.

In Malaysia, the punishment is simpler and not as draconian: you just get prison time. CNNreported Saturday that “a Malaysian man was sentenced to 10 years in prison for insulting Islam and the Prophet Mohammed on his Facebook page, police said. The 22-year-old Facebook user, identified as ‘Ayea Yea,’ pleaded guilty to 10 charges in a Kuala Lumpur court.” Nor was this a singular case: “The Royal Malaysia Police filed charges against three other social media account owners for insulting Islam and the Prophet Mohammed.” What’s more, Mohamad Fuzi of the Royal Malaysia Police noted: “The police had received 929 reports across the country on these cases and opened 16 investigation papers on cases connected to insulting Islam.”

This is a glimpse into the future of the U.S. and Europe. Remember back in 2009, when Barack Obama declared in Cairo: “I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.” Obama is no longer President, but the idea that the U.S. government should be solicitous of Islam in a way that it is not of Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, or any other religion is still very much with us.  MORE

9 Comments on Robert Spencer: How Long Before “Islamophobia” Becomes A Criminal Offense Requiring Imprisonment?

  1. With the Democrats in charge it might not be long.

    They are very open and proactive about being anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti Israel, and pro Muslim.

    Beware, the Four Horsemen of the Democrats are ready to be unleashed on us at any time now.

  2. …imprisonment? Ever since the Supreme Court came out with the “Fighting Words” doctrine in Chaplinsky v New Hampshire, it’s been basically legal for a Black person to kill a White person if he can make a case that the White person called him by the moniker his homies do. It doesn’t take much of a stretch to imagine that same “logic” applied to all things Islam.

    …then, they can just kill you for slandering the prophet. Whether you did or not. Just like in the old country. No prison required.

    …while Democrats, who deliberately confused Islam into a ‘race’, cluck about YOUR racism while they take your property from your heirs to give to YOUR poor victims if YOUR callous “racism” who, incidentally, murdered you…

  3. I think we’re going to see some crazy sh*t in the next 2 years.

    islam, free speech, and Gun grabs are going to go through the

    roof…and with them a lot of violence.

    If they perceive themselves as failing, the left is going to crank

    up the crazy

  4. @onginer

    How true. Funny also that now, the only thing that’s being voted on is to make it impossible to publicly question or criticize Israel, even the Muslims wouldn’t have the power to make it a punishable offense in the USA just for asking why their nations get 10x more aid funding than we got in Wall money. What’s that line again about how you learn who rules over you when you discover who it is you can’t criticize? 😉

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