The 1972 Progressive Pathway to Oblivion – IOTW Report

The 1972 Progressive Pathway to Oblivion

AG: What is strange about the new envisioned progressive agendas for 2020 is that no serious Democratic presidential candidate next year could ever run on them.

Instead, what we will see over the next few months are insidious efforts to ignore, disown, or recant endorsements of Democratic candidates for president. And if not, Democrats will be trapped by their own rhetoric and virtue signaling—and end up going the full McGovern in 2020.

Venom. The new progressive Democratic Party is prepared for existential war. Vice President Mike Pence cannot be said to be a “decent guy.” Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) is old and in the way. America is not much above “garbage.” Immigrants arrive crushed that the “propaganda” did not match the reality of a pathological America. Yesterday’s condemnations from Jeremiah Wright’s pulpit sound mild today. In such a race to the bottom, expect in the next 22 months that each current slur and smear will be seen as counterrevolutionary within 24 hours. Yet most Americans do not appreciate their country being trashed by those who apparently know little about it.

Green Deals. Much has been written about the “Green New Deal,” specifically its socialist redistribution schemes, and its notorious rapid phasing out of the internal combustion engine, which drew the polite ridicule from Feinstein and even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

The timing was certainly absurd. The rapid growth in domestic natural gas use has ensured that the United States has exceeded even most “green” European countries in meeting the now abandoned Paris Climate Accords.

U.S. energy production has all but eliminated the prior strategic stranglehold of the Persian Gulf states over U.S. Middle East policy or, for that matter, over American foreign policy itself. At a time when government-funded high-speed rail is failing and gasoline is below $3 a gallon (well below the price in Europe), few voters would prefer ending gas and oil use or trying to do what leftwing California could not.

One reason the U.S. economy is booming and may continue to do so is that American electricity-intensive industries increasingly are enjoying substantial cost savings in their power costs over European and Asian rivals.

The New Green Deal is also low-poll hypocrisy. Given that the Democratic echelon and donor class are now mostly America’s rich, voters will learn than limos, private jets, heated swimming pools, junkets, and expansive second and third homes do not synchronize well with ending their own internal combustion engines—on the two-legged pigs defense that revolutionaries must be treated well to be effective social justice warriors. read more

7 Comments on The 1972 Progressive Pathway to Oblivion

  1. Without instituting aggressive anti-fraud measures before next year’s election, no Democrat candidate will need to moderate any position or statement. They only need to win party nomination and that means playing to the crazies.

    Look forward to Justice Democrats taking dozens more seats next year. AOC won the party nomination with just under 16,000 votes. How many other low-turnout safe districts are there that are ripe for the picking?

    I hate to have to point it out yet again, but the Republican Party is not going to save us — ever. It is going to take a serious correction within the Democrat Party to get the country back on track. Not an encouraging prospect.

    Maybe Trump should run as a Democrat?

  2. 1972 really worked out well for McGovern, NOT! If this keeps up President Trump will kick the ass of whoever the democraps nominate to run for President as bad or worse than Nixon did against McGovern in 72 or Reagan vs Mondale in 84. Good luck democraps most of the Americans aren’t buying your load of crap anymore than they did in 72. Most of America hates your guts especially what we used to call the Silent minority who are now called Deplorables. And maybe just maybe enough blacks and hispanics will have had enough and leave the democrap reservation and do the right thing, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

  3. 2 notes

    the man running Fritz’s show has the last 25 years honestly called himself a NeoCon. He was to his death a Ronny hating lib. He died last year. Was 1 of many sham “Republicans” at the Post. He died last year. Name this liberal and you get one of my old hats.

    VDh is an honest Republican who wants Republicans (read Ronny folk) elected. He has bashed the RINO Bush Clan many times this century. they prove they are liars when they work to defeat republicans – naming only 2 – Joe Miller (who the Bush/Obama team did defeat; by backing a Bolshy named Lisa) and Don ; who they were unable to defeat in an election but have tried to destroy with SPYGATE

  4. @ACParker March 11, 2019 at 11:27 pm

    > Without instituting aggressive anti-fraud measures before next year’s election

    > the Republican Party is not going to save us

    > a serious correction within the Democrat Party

    “When math proves you’re wrong, do experiments. When experiments prove you’re wrong, pound your shoe on the table. When pounding your shoe on the table doesn’t prove you’re right, blame everybody else for not doing it your way.”

    Good to see America’s still the land of new ideas.

  5. So, when the Demonrats bare their souls (so to speak) there’s some doubt that they can win elections?
    Emanuel’s statement, and those of some of the other totalitarians, should give us pause. They are EXPLICITLY stating that the Demonrats must need continue to LIE. Are so few Americans actually paying attention to what is happening around them?
    Sorry – stupid question – just plain silly.

    izlamo delenda est …


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