Sen. Kirsten MeToo Gillibrand’s office hit with sexual harassment allegations, aide quits in protest – IOTW Report

Sen. Kirsten MeToo Gillibrand’s office hit with sexual harassment allegations, aide quits in protest

DC: 2020 Democratic hopeful Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is facing a #MeToo reckoning in her own office after a female staffer resigned citing mishandling of her sexual harassment allegations against a male staffer.

The female staffer, who is in her mid-20s, told Politico about her experience in a story published Monday. Politico did not identify the woman.

“I trusted and leaned on this statement that you made: ‘You need to draw a line in the sand and say none of it is O.K. None of it is acceptable.’ Your office chose to go against your public belief that women shouldn’t accept sexual harassment in any form and portrayed my experience as a misinterpretation instead of what it actually was: harassment and ultimately, intimidation,” the woman wrote in a letter to Gillbrand Aug. 30, after tendering her resignation.  more

6 Comments on Sen. Kirsten MeToo Gillibrand’s office hit with sexual harassment allegations, aide quits in protest

  1. This #metoo stuff is so out of hand its not funny. This gal is a twenty-something dem ‘drawing a line in the sand’ when she finds out that life on the dem plantation ain’t what it’s cracked up to be.

    And what exactly was the ‘mishandling’? Does that mean the demotion was not enough for her. His name is Abbas Malik. That means he’s higher up on the victim pyramid and why he never had to take the fall.

  2. It’s only sexual harassment if a Republican does it sweet cakes. It’s only actionable against a Democrat if the dimwit is stupid enough to do it in front of a camera. Hey, didn’t Al Franken go to Harvard- funny how that works out.

    The 20’s something staffer is too young and too under educated to know that you can: simulate a gang rape against a waitress (a Kennedy/Dodd sandwich it’s been called); drink, drive and drown a woman; as Governor tell a woman you know her boss and inform her if she likes her job she will give you a blow job; as POTUS ask people to perjure themselves to cover your history of sexual harassment; running for AG it can come out that you abuse women you are living with and you will still win; all of this and more if you have the (D) after your name.

  3. Plus, the metoo thing was started in an effort to try and humiliate Pres. Trump into resigning. Weinstein took one for the team. It didn’t work out the way they hoped and has now outlived it’s usefulness to proggy powers-that-be, so they don’t care anymore.

  4. no wonder she didn’t do anything- more democrat ‘family values’

    “Gillibtand’s father, Doug Rutnik, worked as an attorney and lobbyist for NXIVM – at a rate of $25,000 per month in 2004.
    Her father was sued by Nxivm and several of its members, including Nancy Salzman, allegedly for sexually harassing Salzman. Rutnik settled with NXIVM by paying them $100,000 in June 2006.
    Gillibrand’s cousin, Gwenn Bellcourt, married Rutnik and became Gillibrand’s stepmother because of NXIVM.”
    she has repeatedly lied that she didn’t know who nxivm was.
    this must be some of that 10% garbage I heard about the other day


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