Cory Booker’s First Lesson About Marijuana – IOTW Report

Cory Booker’s First Lesson About Marijuana


Colin Flaherty

The first thing you need to know about legalizing marijuana is that it has nothing to do with marijuana. It is all about criminal justice reform.

And the first thing you need to know about criminal justice reform is that it is really about black people in prison.

And the first thing you need to know about black people in prison is that there are too many of them there for one reason only: white racism.

And how do we know that? That’s the part about pot. Cory Booker begins the circle game:

“From the time I was a kid growing up as the only black family in a white community, you get to realize how our justice system is so broken,” Booker intoned to an enthralled NPR host. “It treats people differently based upon geography, based on the color of their skin.”

“And seeing in college at Stanford, the use of drugs, pretty significantly. And then you see in neighborhoods like the one I live in now — we have a country where there’s no difference between blacks and whites for using marijuana. Or using drugs. But the arrest rates are multiple times higher for African Americans.”

So it is not about pot after all: pot is just one example, picked seemingly at random, that Booker et al would have us believe shows how black people and white people do the same crime, but only black people do the time.

And what about assault or burglary or rape or murder or home invasions? The black crime rate for those felonies is way higher as well. Which of course is further proof that cops are picking on black people while letting white people get away with murder.

Wouldn’t it be pretty if that were true?

But it’s not. Not even close. And if you do not know that by now, it is only because you are wrapped up in denial, deceit, and delusion and refuse to know it.



9 Comments on Cory Booker’s First Lesson About Marijuana

  1. “But the arrest rates are multiple times higher for African Americans.”

    Maybe there’s an explanation for that that is more rooted in the number of multiple criminal violations than in race.

  2. If it isn’t licensed, controlled and permitted by the state it’s illegal.

    Lotteries, gambling casinos, riverboat gambling, Marijuana, buying a gun, hunting, concealed carry, owning a dog, fishing, boating, driving, land use, construction, building improvements, conducting any business, OSHA work permits, exercising free speech rights, etc., etc….

    Land of the free, if you buy a government license, permit or both.

  3. The difference between white and black people using pot and being arrested can be summed up as. Even when whites engage in illegal activity, they do it with civility.

    Whites smoke pot on the golf course, in their homes, boats or other remote locations away from scrutinizing eyes.

    Blacks on the other hand flaunt pot smoking, it just bees pot man, why you gonna arrest a brother!

  4. After moving to Nevada, the first thing I tell people that want to legalize pot in their home state is:
    “Get used to smelling pot EVERYWHERE in public!”
    Your kids will be walking through vapor clouds of second-hand pot every day of their lives.
    “Daddy, what is that smell?”


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