Bloomberg Not Running for President, But Still Wants To Destroy Coal – IOTW Report

Bloomberg Not Running for President, But Still Wants To Destroy Coal

NB: Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg won’t be running for president in 2020, but the billionaire media mogul has vowed to continue trying to eradicate the coal industry. He’s also promised to target oil and gas.

Left-wing Think Progress called that admission the “bombshell the media missed.” ABC, CBS and NBC barely noticed it. In the midst of Bloomberg’s announcement not to run for the highest office, he promised a “new, even more ambitious phase” of his anti-coal campaign.

Think Progress was right about it not getting much media notice. Evening News and World News Tonight said nothing about those anti-fossil fuel goals in their coverage of Bloomberg’s decision on March 5 The following morning NBC’s Today only vaguely acknowledged Bloomberg would work to combat climate change and to defeat President Donald Trump. CBS This MorningMarch 6, breezed through its admission the billionaire would work to “retire all coal-fired power plants” in the next 11 years.  read more

7 Comments on Bloomberg Not Running for President, But Still Wants To Destroy Coal

  1. Billions, if not trillions of tons of coal were burned in the last couple hundred years and the earth has responded by letting out a small “cow” fart. If left to it’s own devices the earth renews itself just fine. Been doing it for 4 billion years.
    Meanwhile civilization grew and prospered to the highest standard of living ever.

  2. That little prick has another, hidden agenda regarding his plan to eliminate coal. That prick would get off his fat ass unless it made him a dollar. Remember Tom Steyer and his green investment fund that turned out to have coal mines in China and Australia. Cried krocodile tears when he pretended to leave the business with steamer trunks full of money he had cheated from his investors. Bloomberg is cut from the same cloth.

  3. Hugo Chavez did more for the Venezuelan people than any President has ever done for Americans–including Trump. Trump promised to revive the coal industry, but he hasn’t and won’t be allowed to. Chavez did not destroy the oil industry in his country. He nationalized it FROM foreign corporation robbers so that the immense profits would benefit his OWN people. It was working so well that those evil oil barons wanted Venezuela destroyed so they could again control the oil wealth. Damn the needs of the people, so the first action the criminals accomplished was to remove Chavez from power. The people wanted Chavez because he succeeded in actually helping them. The USA did not! Chavez policies even provided heating oil to poor Americans who needed to survive. Our own country’s politicians wouldn’t even do that. The wealthy take care of their own. The USA political criminals want to enable population die-off.

    “Far more welcome news came from Citgo Petroleum Corporation, a subsidiary of Venezuela’s state-owned oil company, which announced that it would be continuing its six-year-old program of providing heating oil to poor Americans free of charge. The contrast between the values displayed by the American and Venezuelan governments – the “good guys” and “bad guys,” respectively, of the American political consensus – could not be more striking. ”

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