Pelosi and Schiff Announce They are Dropping Impeachment Plan – IOTW Report

Pelosi and Schiff Announce They are Dropping Impeachment Plan

 “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in he face.”

~ Mike Tyson.


CTH: The exploitation of Michael Cohen toward the launch of Speaker Pelosi’s impeachment effort backfired bigly.  Not enough people found Cohen credible; and because of the ridiculous way the entire staged performance was carried out by Democrats, and the their media allies, most people saw right through the politicization of it. The plan just failed.

Additionally, some politicians like Jim Jordan, Jody Hice and Mark Meadows started calling out the blatant construct behind Pelosi’s impeachment plan.  HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff sending his staff to New York four times to prep Michael Cohen before the hearings – was only made more ridiculous by Chairman Schiff trying to deny they coached Cohen.  Schiff looks like a doofus.  So today:

[Nancy Pelosi] “I’m not for impeachment. This is news. I’m going to give you some news right now because I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.” (link)

UPDATE: Jerry Nadler has also joined in.


15 Comments on Pelosi and Schiff Announce They are Dropping Impeachment Plan

  1. …so, you’re just going to go back to working to undermine him at every turn, conspiring with our enemies both foreign and domestic with the ultimate goal of destroying not just your President, but your entire Nation.

    …as with Islam, merely hiding your evil doesn’t make you less evil, Nan-Nan. And your spiritual grand-daughters Cortes, Tlab, and Ilhan will keep exposing it anyway, so nice try there Lady Evil…

  2. I think they are just waiting in the hedgerow for a better shot. Why trust a snake? Do they think they might focus on constructive items or are they just marking time? Their idea of constructive work is fowling Trump up anyway they can. Why have them?

  3. Rush predicted last week impeachment will commence in 2021 after Trump wins. Dems not acting like they think they have 2020 in the bag. This is the investigation phase to get all the goods to make the case. Their next insurance policy. Just like they did to Nixon. They don’t want impeachment tainting their candidates and motivating Trump supporters.

  4. President Trump said last week, if they pursue impeachment, he will declassify stuff.
    Guess “Outhouse” Nancy got the memo.
    Mad Max and Caveman Green can now have a pity party.
    Skittles and Purple Drank.
    Hope the SS keeps an eye on the two bombers in the congressional ranks.


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