Avenatti dumps Stormy – IOTW Report

Avenatti dumps Stormy

Daily Caller: Attorney Michael Avenatti is no longer representing porn star Stormy Daniels — born Stephanie Clifford — the client who brought the New York lawyer to international fame.

Avenatti announced on Twitter Tuesday that he is ending his legal representation of Daniels.

“On February 19, we informed Stormy Daniels in writing that we were terminating our legal representation of her,” Avenatti said in a statement. “This was not a decision we made lightly and it came only after lengthy discussion, thought and deliberation, as well as consultation with other professionals. We wish Stormy all the best.”

Clifford later announced in a tweet that she was retaining Tulsa, Oklahoma, attorney Clark Brewster as her new lawyer.  more here



19 Comments on Avenatti dumps Stormy

  1. How long before she spills the beans on their relationship? Maybe hires a lawyer to sue him. Then writes a book in which she describes every gory detail. The chick isn’t known for her discretion.

  2. Almost feel sorry for the old whore. Hard to make money on an Indian reservation, which may soon be her fate.
    …And I’m not talking about the ones with casinos.


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