Democratic Donors Charged in College Admissions Scam – IOTW Report

Democratic Donors Charged in College Admissions Scam

WFB: Several Democratic donors were among those charged Tuesday in a federal crackdown on a nationwide fraudulent college admissions conspiracy.

“Dozens of individuals involved in a nationwide conspiracy that facilitated cheating on college entrance exams and the admission of students to elite universities as purported athletic recruits,” according to the Department of Justice. Documents unsealed Tuesday in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts show fraud extending to Yale, Georgetown, and other American universities.

Parents paid William Rick Singer, owner of The Edge College & Career Network, LLC, to ensure their children’s admissions to university, according to court documents. Singer would then arrange for special proctors to fly from Texas and California for the SAT and ACT tests, correcting students’ answers, according to the court filing. He’s also accused of creating fake athletic profiles for students, even though some did not play sports at all. Singer then bribed coaches and administrators of NCAA Division I programs like Yale, Stanford, and the University of Southern California to recruit the students, all but guaranteeing their admission, according to the DOJ.

Those charged represent a “catalog of wealth and privilege,”  U.S. attorney Andrew Lelling told reporters Tuesday. “The real victims in this case are the hardworking students” who were denied admissions because the children of wealthy parents “simply bought their way in,” according to Lelling.

The 33 parents paid a total of $25 million to Singer’s company as part of the scheme, ABC News reported. Also implicated were top college coaches for their alleged role in accepting millions of dollars to help admit students.

Most of the press reaction Tuesday centered on Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin, two prominent Hollywood stars charged in the sting.

Huffman, when not acting, is a generous donor to Democratic candidates. Huffman has donatedthousands of dollars since 2016 to Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.), according to the Federal Election Commission’s site. Prior to that, she donated frequently to President Barack Obama’s election efforts.  MORE

22 Comments on Democratic Donors Charged in College Admissions Scam

  1. Enjoyed posting this story on Facebook yesterday and seeing friends’ responses.
    This morning I was thinking about it – just by living in USA and having access to the interwebs, any kid has at least 90% of the opportunity that these kids of wealth have. And having parents that push you into something above your ability like this is probably more damaging than helpful even if it weren’t discovered.

  2. Many years ago I read the autobiography of Arthur Ashe, a good book. In it he recounts a conversation he had with his good friend Bryant Gumble about affirmative action. Gumble, naturally, was all for it, he wanted special privileges for all black people, especially a leg up for college admissions. Ashe was against it, specifically because it would forever taint that degree, infect it with the specter of illegitimacy.

  3. Has everyone forgotten the “Kennedy School of Law” endowed by Joe Kennedy so that his boys could secure a “Harvard” Law “Degree?” Especially that half-retarded, drunken, rapist, shit-for-brains Ted?

    Why’s that OK but not this?

    Steamy fukkin BULLSHIT!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. This is the Federal DOJ. Watch for delay tactics in the hope the president Trump is voted out in 2020. If he stays in office, the defendants could still get this continued through 2024. A democrat president would drop this in a heartbeat, as long as the defendants contributed to their campaign.

  5. @Tim – David Mamet wrote a commentary on this in which he said basically the same thing.
    A mutual friend told me a story about David, which happened probably about 10 years ago. His two high school age daughters were attending a prestigious private school on the Westside. A friend called who was planning to move out from New York, and wanted his two kids to attend the same school – they were smart enough but the semester was starting and he wanted to get them enrolled. David called the office and talked to the top person. “Of course there will have to be a ‘consideration'”, he was told. How much? $250k? “We were thinking $1 million.” David’s response: “This is me, pulling my daughters out of your school.” They went to public school and did just fine.

  6. I see a potential path to endless victories for the GOP. Make the DOJ and other agencies DO THEIR JOB and arrest these “the law is for thee, not for me” libs (with actual probable cause, of course). They will then have their fortunes tied up in legal defense and won’t be able to donate so much to political campaigns.

  7. Hey….just wait a minute! Are you trying to say that this crowd is NOT, in reality, smarter and superior to the general population?

    You are a hateful Trump voter. I don’t want to discuss it!

  8. Pardon my cynicism, BUT: Does no one find the timing of the release of this information curious? I’m glad that they finally did something about the criminality involved in academic admissions and that some of these scum are apt to pay. However, the reputations of and the trust in FBI, the DOJ and much of the swamp likely are the lowest they’ve been in many decades. And rightly so! The investigation had been going on for what, 10 years or more? Could the recent actions be intended to begin the “rehabilitation” of those groups?

    Remember the message on the screen at the start or end of the old, original “X-Files” show? “Trust No One!”. Sadly appropriate nowadays, especially for our “governments”. NOTHING is ever as it seems…

  9. Forcibly deranged – you are probably right. Especially considering the msm are all over it when huffman and macy are clinton supporters, and probably what’s her name too. Usually when it’s dems involved they try to hush it up and sweep it under the rug asap – unless it’s for a specific agenda.

  10. Yes, squirrels indeed, but thanks be to God, we have President Trump and his super-terrific weapon, his Twitter account.
    He’s had the Fake News peeps cannibalizing the Left of late.

    Play through, Mr President!!

  11. So why aren’t any of these snot noose kids getting indicted along with their parents? I suspect most were over 18 when these frauds were perpetrated. They knew damn well that what they were doing was wrong and probably illegal. They were willing co-conspirators, they should be punished. Kick them all out of school and make them answer for their crimes.


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