The Creepiest Part of the Lisa Page Transcript – IOTW Report

The Creepiest Part of the Lisa Page Transcript

American Spectator: Most media coverage of the newly-released transcript of Lisa Page’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee focuses on questions that have long since been answered: We already knew there was bias against Donald Trump throughout the DOJ and FBI. It was long ago established that they never possessed any credible evidence of collusion involving Trump’s campaign and Russia. We already knew the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s crimes was a charade. The real news is how fearful the denizens of the DOJ and FBI were of incurring Clinton’s wrath: This is captured in the following warning from Page to Peter Strzok:

One more thing: She might be our next President. The last thing you need is us going in there [to Clinton’s interview] loaded for bear. You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more DOJ than FBI?

This warning was included in a text she sent Strzok in February of 2016, and its meaning is not difficult to decode. Page was clearly worried about the unhappy fate that inevitably befalls anyone who crosses Hillary Clinton — Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) verified that the “she” referred to in the text was indeed Clinton. She obviously knows the mere fact that it is the FBI’s job to investigate such cases will carry zero weight when Her Majesty glares balefully around the Cabinet Room and demands to know, “Who will rid me of these turbulent G-Men?” Page also understands that her own loathing for Donald Trump won’t save her.  keep reading

12 Comments on The Creepiest Part of the Lisa Page Transcript

  1. All the *more* reason to go after Crooked even harder:
    demonstrate to Americans that government belongs to us,
    as long as cowardly underlings are *not* in a position to be intimidated by those in power (like a shark sensing blood).

  2. The sick thing is that Bill and Hillary are still threatening, extorting and blackmailing as needed, and it won’t stop until they are dead. They probably still have some major players by the short hairs from their theft of 1,000 FBI files back in 1993.

  3. I wonder if they are waiting on the Mueller report to dash their last hope for Russian collusion impeachment before going after Hillary? I wonder if Mueller’s team is trying to wait out the statue of limitations on Hillary’s crimes?

  4. Where’s the federal grand jury?
    All indications are the DOJ is continuing to protect the Clintons.
    Will justice ever be served or has “justice for all” become a cliche’ that bears no truth?

  5. Interesting. I’d never considered the angle that the whitewashing of the email scandal could have been primarily about self-preservation. If HRC was going to win, then whoever conducted a fair investigation would have faced the President’s wrath. Firing, possible jail, or the famed “two-shots-to-the-back-of-the-head” Arkansas suicide.

  6. Dr., I mentioned that the other day. That’s his job, to delay, other than spend gobs of OPM.
    BTW, it’s statute of limitations. Hit your spell check with a large hammer.

  7. TO DrT
    That’s the whole idea: Trump waits, to eliminate the last scintilla of opportunity for the opposition to say, “Trump’s obstructing justice/Mueller!”

    Storm’s a comin’.

  8. While leftist imbeciles run around screaming about how offensive statues of Confederate generals are, the most offensive statue, sculpture, whatever you call it is the blindfolded woman holding the scales of justice. What’s more offensive than having to be mocked by an image that everyone knows is a lie?

    Wanna tear down offensive statues? Start with that one.


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