Every Time Democrats Talk, I Want To Vote For Trump Twice – IOTW Report

Every Time Democrats Talk, I Want To Vote For Trump Twice

The Federalist: 

This article includes rhetorical uses of profanity.

It’s a damn shame I have to wait another 20 months to vote for President Trump. I wish I could do it now. Twice. Or better yet, in as many jurisdictions as I can. Preferably in every swing district and every swing state.

Yeah, yeah, I know — sadly, I can’t. It’s been a hell of a ride these past couple of years, and I sure hope it doesn’t end next November.

I am a middle-of-the-road Republican who voted for Trump with the utmost reluctance in 2016. He sure wasn’t perfect. He was no Cicero, either––though he can give a decent speech when the chips are down. He had a few extra skeletons rattling in his closet, especially compared to colorless non-entities like Jeb. So yeah, I was queasy about voting for an ex-registered-Democrat-from-New-York-and-possible-liberal-now-turned-Republican.

Was I worried? Hell, yeah! Was I depressed? You bet. But, really, what options were there? Hillary? Jill Stein? Seriously? Trump wasn’t my first choice or my second choice or my third choice, but by the time November 2016 rolled around, Trump was the only choice on the menu. So I swallowed hard, took a leap of faith, and pulled the lever for the Donald.

Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen Are Non-Issues For Me

And let me tell ya, every time one of these newly minted Democratic “stars” opens their mouth, the same thought goes through my mind: Thank God for Trump. Trump is my last line of defense. Trump is the only thing that stands between me and these hallucinogenic socialist nut jobs. Trump is what’s keeping chaos and left-wing insanity at bay.

Maybe I am not a gettable voter for the Democrats. Certainly not easily gettable, but had Trump turned out to be a closet Nelson Rockefeller, and the Democrats were to nominate a genuine centrist, who knows what could’ve happened? Isn’t that what politicians running for president are supposed to do––spend a few months promoting themselves as the reasonable choice, and the other guy as unacceptable?

But today, every single Democrat I can name is working overtime to make damn certain that I will pull the lever for Trump again, and with both hands this time. Trump need not worry about locking down my vote––the Democrats are doing all the heavy lifting.

Every time the Democrats and their media allies peddle yet another “end of the Trump presidency bombshell,” I laugh hysterically. If I laughed any harder, people would think I was having an epileptic seizure.

I can’t even keep track of half the revelations that were supposed to bring Trump to an ignominious end. Even the Democrats forget most of them within days. Remember Papadopoulos? Flynn? Gates? Roger Stone? Some 77-year-old guy I’ve never heard of, getting a handjob at a Florida massage parlor?

Say what? This is a Trump scandal because apparently the former massage parlor owner posed with Trump and various Republicans who know or have spoken to Trump. Who? What? Huh? Democrats don’t just own crazy anymore; Democrats left crazy in their rearview mirror months ago.

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6 Comments on Every Time Democrats Talk, I Want To Vote For Trump Twice

  1. Every Time Democrats Talk, I Want To Vote For Trump Twice

    Me two! [;)]

    I miss the olden tymes. When progressives lied to us about what they’d do, if elected. Like Donald J. Trump.

  2. This guy is me, and this is why the fake polls have to admit granite bedrock support for Trump is near 50%. We know that it is actually more than 50%, and so do the people who pay for the polls, but it cannot be admitted that every underhanded thing they’ve done, every lie they’ve told, every narrative they’ve pulled out of their asses, every conservative they’ve censored and every physical assault they’ve committed has done nothing but turn the Trump coal into diamonds. Come and vote with me, MAGA minions. And if a Dem took over your district last year, take it the f–k back next year.

  3. When Trump signed that unconstitutional everything bill, he was a fool, because he actually signed away his own Presidential powers, the few he had left. The fake Repubs have knowingly subverted the government into helping the Commie/Dems do a coup. They are all traitors to America. Supporting Trump will change nothing now. It will have to be people power, or none.

    “If you want to know why Trump was unable to prosecute Hillary, it is because Paul Ryan blocked it all. He was working for the Dems. Now that the Dems control the house, NO ONE will be prosecuted.
    Failure to clean up the government lands squarely on the head of Paul Ryan and not Trump. Trump actually tried, but hit too much resistance from the Republican side to get it done.”
    “We cannot elect a functioning government anymore, everything is too rigged and there are too many traitors. There won’t be any lawsuits or anyone jailed now that Ryan screwed everything.”
    Facing facts we don’t like:

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