Deposition Reveals Late Senator McCain’s Role in Spygate Scandal – IOTW Report

Deposition Reveals Late Senator McCain’s Role in Spygate Scandal

Epoch Times: David Kramer, a longtime associate of the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), revealed in an unsealed deposition that he had contact with at least 14 members of the media regarding the Steele dossier—a collection of 17 memos containing unverified allegations against Donald Trump.

Additionally, Kramer gave a full copy of the unverified dossier to Senior Director for Russian Affairs at the National Security Council Celeste Wallander, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), and House Speaker Paul Ryan’s chief of staff, Jonathan Burks. Kramer also provided a briefing in early December 2016 on the dossier to both Wallander and Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eurasian Affairs.

Kramer also provided ongoing updates to Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, former MI6 spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, and other members of the media regarding  McCain’s meeting with FBI Director James Comey.

Steele had been hired by Simpson on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to produce the so-called “Steele dossier” on Donald Trump.

Kramer, in his deposition, confirmed that he was BuzzFeed News’ source for the dossier. BuzzFeed published the dossier online in January 2017, resulting in a defamation lawsuit by Aleksej Gubarev, whose company XBT/Webzilla was mentioned in the dossier. The Epoch Times covered the court case in a previous article.

McCain famously denied ever providing a copy of the dossier to BuzzFeed, telling the Daily Caller on Oct, 18, 2017: “I gave it to no one except for the director of the FBI. I don’t know why you’re digging this up now.”

Kramer, who is an affiliated senior fellow at the McCain Institute, revealed in his deposition that he had been in contact with 14 journalists and producers about the dossier.

These contacts included:

  • ABC News: Brian Ross, Matt Mosk
  • BuzzFeed: Ken Bensinger
  • CNN: Carl Bernstein
  • The Guardian: Julian Borger
  • McClatchy: Peter Stone, Greg Gordon
  • Mother Jones: David Corn


22 Comments on Deposition Reveals Late Senator McCain’s Role in Spygate Scandal

  1. As if we needed even more proof that McCain was a lying traitorous piece of shit. I’m glad the Epoc Times covered this. We should be seeing this on CNN and MSNBC real soon, right?

  2. Out of ALL the contacts McCain could’ve sent to UK to obtain and distribute the pee dossier, who thinks Kramer is a two-bit player? McCain is worm food, this guy is still walking around unscathed and liable to insert himself in 2020 when called upon. He needs more scrutiny and investigation….. oh who am I kidding, Lindsey will provide cover in memory of his bestie.

  3. I am so grateful to have had the courage to come out with my blanket condemnation of this POS way back when I did. Nobody can accuse me of being a Johnny Come Lately or gratuitous piling on, that’s for sure and for certain.

    It didn’t take much though, all that triggered it was that I could no longer concede his war record as valid and at that point he had nothing redeeming to his character in my eyes.

  4. Well, knock me down and steal my teeth.

    Ya telling me that a dirty two faced, lying, backstabbing snake in the grass who will smile and lie to your face and then dry shave you every time the chips are down can’t be trusted? Who’d a thunk it?

  5. I know what you mean, JD. Not knowing his background much at the time, I had a very negative reaction to him back in the 1980’s when he first got elected. (But then, we Irish are psychic like that.) And then to see – over time – that he was even worse than my original, visceral reaction.

    My visceral reaction to Cheeseburger Clinton was even stronger the first time I saw him on TV.

  6. I have a friend who went into a meeting with Clinton in a FEMA trailer in 1983 when he was Governor and Clinton came out and Clinton stood in front of the cameras and said that the Core of Engineers was going do this and this and this and in the meeting with my friend, in charge of that region at the time, had specifically ruled out what Clinton said The Core would be doing.

  7. Corp of Engineers
    McCain was widely criticized throughout the Navy, before he was released from this relative posh living conditions.
    Find some photos of him debarking on his return, does he look starved?
    Those notorious “broken bones”?
    A result of his ejection, ejection required because he ignored orders and hot dogged it into target.
    AA shot him down, too low, too slow.
    They had electronic jamming for the SAMs, AA don’t care.
    If his granddaddy and daddy weren’t Admirals, he would have never been allowed near a jet.
    McCain was a scab on the butt of the Navy.
    What is it with all these loser politicians marrying heiresses?
    McCain, Kerry, Beta O’Dork.

  8. @TN Volunteer; I agree that McCain was a traitor and I suspect that most of the powerful movers in DC and elsewhere (the military for example) knew that but they also knew he was a devious, grudge carrying, rat-bastard who would stab you in the back the moment you no longer served his purpose.

    While Meghan McCain is a RINO and a water carrier for those that hate Trump I’ll bet she still believes that her daddy was a war-hero, a generous public servant and a man committed to saving his country. At some point in her career/life someone may just sit her down and bring out the real records of McCain’s career in the navy, the horrible way he treated his first wife while he romanced the heiress, his actual role (worse then what is generally told) in the S+L Scandal and the sleazy, nasty backstabber he was as a Presidential Candidate as well as the sheer lack of moral fiber or character he showed in the rest of his career as a Senator up to and including (which was quite the feat) after his death. It would be interesting to see how she handles it.

  9. Slimeocrat declared SAINT John McCain
    was a

    Criminally disgraceful soldier
    who would have been
    court martialed, dishonorably discharged
    and imprisoned
    where it not for who his father and grandfather were.

    He dishonorably served the citizens of Arizona
    by frequently making ” sell out ” deals with
    the Smellocrats

    which he openly declared made him a STATESMAN

    He openly sabotaged any effort to free the
    American taxpayer from the communist confiscation
    of the health care system which Obama openly said was
    ” The best in the world “. but let’s fix it.

    Any attempt to portray John McCain as anything other than a

    Self – aggrandizing , murderous, traitorous,
    communist pig flies in the face of reality.

    I think the less than intelligent McCain
    wanted to be thought of as a deal maker.

    Compromising with the equivalent of Satan
    makes you his semi – equal

    And if McCain is looking at this,
    I don’t think he understands.


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