Tlaib-backed cancellation of Israel study abroad program vetoed – IOTW Report

Tlaib-backed cancellation of Israel study abroad program vetoed

ONN: An anti-Israel boycott backed by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), which led to the cancellation of a California college study abroad program at Israel University of Haifa in Israel – was vetoed by the president of the West Coast academic institution.

Pitzer College Anthropology and History professor Daniel Segal – an ardent supporter of the Palestinians – announced via social media the Muslim representative’s latest controversial anti-Israel move.

“@RashidaTlaib is in with #SuspendPitzerHaifa. @pitzercollege,” Segal tweeted Wednesday.

The next day on Thursday night, Pitzer College President Melvin Oliver vetoed an overwhelming 67–28 vote by the Pitzer College Council in support of the resolution, which ultimately suspended the college’s study abroad program.

“I fully respect the actions of the College Council, thus I do not make this decision lightly,” Oliver said in a Pitzer College press release. “By singling out Israel, the recommendation itself is prejudiced. We do not solve one injustice by committing another. If implemented, the recommendation would unnecessarily alienate a large cross section of the College’s constituencies. The reputational harm to the college would be irreparable, and as president of this institution, I cannot permit that to happen.”  more here

9 Comments on Tlaib-backed cancellation of Israel study abroad program vetoed

  1. …isn’t the job of a Representative to advance the interests of the United States citizens, NOT the interests of “Palestinians”? Oh, never mind, it’s a Muslima so her duty is to advance the cause of Islam and d@mn the United States…

    …oops, that’s what Judge Pirro pointed out with the Somali, and deplatforming ensued…glad this ain’t Fox, but they’ll probably be coming for IOtW in general soon enough…

  2. …actually, her loyalty is to the Ummah and not ANY country. Muslms generally consider countries to be artificial constructs and that they are ultimately citizens of A!!ah’s Caliphate and none other. The Ummah is the mass of Islam believers, so their loyalty is more to their co-religionist than to any particular government.

    They split mostly BECAUSE they have no political system. Mohammad died without leaving a clear heir to his Caliphate, so the Shia/Sunni split exists largely because they don’t have a way of working out the intertwined government/religious issues by any democratic process because they do not believe in democracy. This is why they have spent the last 1400 years fighting over who was supposed to be next in line, because each side thinks A!!ah’s will was different than what the other side thinks.

    They DO have countries for that reason, but also because of the varying levels of control that different tyrants want to exercise over them, but those leaders must be careful to say that THEY are religious leaders chosen by A!!ah as well as secular leaders who rule by terror. Obviously each leader says HE was chosen and the guy in the next country was NOT, so border disputes ensue as they war over who their fake god gave sway over the peasants, always have, and always will.

    But yes, “Palestinians” are the worst of the lot, mostly because they were raised on hatred and lies. They COULD have better living conditions, but the other Muslim nations leave them there to threaten Israel, and their OWN “leaders” spend all the foreign aid on rockets, then claim the people suffer because, Israel and because, United States, and so it goes…

    …They’ve always been this way. They always WILL be this way. Islam is constructed of hatred, for hatred, and has no other purpose than death. It is not surprising that its practitioners represent that, no matter what taqiyya or kitman they try to practice, the hatred is just too strong…

  3. Rep. Rashida ‘Taliban’ is a racist without a doubt. If any Christian representative advocated the same policies for a muslim country they would be literally pilloried.

    The sooner we get off this ‘protect the muslims so we do not look racist’ kick the sooner we can restore sanity to our nation.


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