Hypocrisy on the Hill: Pence’s rule ‘ridiculous,’ says Kamala Harris – IOTW Report

Hypocrisy on the Hill: Pence’s rule ‘ridiculous,’ says Kamala Harris

ONN: A firebrand Democratic senator is tearing into Vice President Mike Pence because he takes safeguards to protect himself and his marriage.

One of the unwritten rules in the 2020 campaign is that a Democrat is not allowed to say anything nice about a Republican – especially one as closely connected to Donald Trump as Vice President Mike Pence. Presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris (D-California) did her part last week when she told MSNBC she did not approve of Pence following the so-called “Billy Graham Rule,” where he will not meet with a woman alone:

Harris: “I think that’s ridiculous. The idea that you would deny a professional woman the opportunity to have a meeting with the vice president of the United States is outrageous.”

Those who know the vice president, like presidential advisor Dr. Robert Jeffress, say Pence’s rules are not meant to disrespect anyone – but rather, to show women respect.

“I believe he is sincerely doing what he believes is the right thing,” Jeffress tells OneNewsNow. “And quite frankly, if more people would adopt his view we wouldn’t have the rampant problem with immorality that we seem to have in our country right now.”

As the Southern Baptist pastor explains, Pence’s self-imposed rules don’t even keep the vice president from meeting with women.

“My understanding is the vice president and Billy Graham and others who have adopted this view don’t refuse to meet with women, they just refuse to meet with women alone,” he shares. “There’s nothing wrong with having somebody else present in the room.”

Jeffress also finds it strange that a woman like Kamala Harris, who has given so much support to the #MeToo movement, would find fault with Pence’s actions.  more here

31 Comments on Hypocrisy on the Hill: Pence’s rule ‘ridiculous,’ says Kamala Harris

  1. From Kamala Harris – Willie Brown’s cum bucket – that’s not surprising.

    But VP Pence isn’t denying any woman a meeting – typical straw man argument – he simply won’t be alone with them – YUGE difference.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. From Kamala Harris – Willie Brown’s cum bucket – or scum bag – or jizz receptacle – that’s not surprising.

    But VP Pence isn’t denying any woman a meeting – typical straw man argument – he simply won’t be alone with them – YUGE difference.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Kamala’s only qualification for office is measured in random mens’ DNA at the bottom of her clothes hamper.

    So yea, she would be the exact kind of female negatively impacted by the Pence Rule.

  4. “Jeffress also finds it strange that a woman like Kamala Harris, who has given so much support to the #MeToo movement, would find fault with Pence’s actions.”

    Of COURSE she wants wymyn to meet alone with Trump officials! A wymyn advances in the Democrat party by destroying Republicans, and by taking away opportunities to make wild, baseless claims about lechery, lasciviousness, and other “L” words that better describe Democrats than Republicans, then he is denying a wymyn zir BEST opportunity to advance in the Democrat ranks, which makes his misogynist, sexist, racist (by default), and other words better suited to Democrats than Republicans…

  5. “The idea that you would deny a professional woman the opportunity to have a meeting with the vice president of the United States is outrageous.”
    Did everybody miss this? Women are NOT being denied a meeting with the VP. There just has to be another person present. Harris’ objection is false and dishonest.

  6. Because no woman in the history of world has ever accused someone of ‘inappropriate conduct’ without a shred of proof. Of course, given the propensity of women such as Ms. Harris to drop to their knees for political gain, I would tend to agree with Pence.

  7. Those silly democrats and their funny way of talking- always controlling the narrative for us.
    But is sure is a convoluted way of letting everyone know that she doesn’t do groups.

  8. She is a staunch supporter of her own #MeToo movement which was to meet alone, many, many times, with Big Willie and to absorb his little brown willie in her dilly dilly! “Give it to me too Willie, harder, harder!!

  9. Harris: “I think that’s ridiculous. The idea that you would deny a professional woman the opportunity to have a meeting with the vice president of the United States is outrageous.”

    How many potential meetings have been denied by the Dems because they don’t like the topic or the person, e.g. by jumping into elevators, hiding in offices, using security or staff to keep people away, …

    Addendum: Shouting conservatives down at colleges, boycotts of companies. I wonder how receptive KHarris would be to a meeting with L. Loomer or J. OKeefe. Bet she’s busy…

  10. My Baptist neighbor has this same rule because he says he wants to avoid any appearance of doing something wrong. I don’t him and think it;s a great idea especially since the dawning of Crusty Barffy-Ford.

    Speaking of denying meetings – how long did Killar y stay hidden from the public and press during the last election.

  11. Kamala thinks she can SCHNARL her way into favor with him, the same way she does with every elected democrap!

    She learned from Bill Clinton – the best way to get through to a high official, is by fitting UNDER his desk…


  12. When I go to the skin clinic to give them the usual odd snippet of flesh, the HOT Korean dermatologist always has a woman assistant, these examinations are pretty much nude.
    Glad I’m not shy.


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