Did Peter Strzok Lie, Or Was There A Spy Targeting The Trump Campaign? – IOTW Report

Did Peter Strzok Lie, Or Was There A Spy Targeting The Trump Campaign?

And Lisa Page’s testimony creates yet a bigger problem since her statement contradicts DOJ lawyer Bruce Ohr’s testimony to the House committee.

The Federalist: Last Thursday, Doug Collins, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, released the committee’s transcript of its interview of disgraced former FBI agent Peter Strzok. During the day-long questioning, Strzok sought to explain away the more deleterious text messages he sent to his mistress and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page.

When one considers Strzok’s explanation of his reference to an “insurance policy” in light of Page’s testimony, which Collins also released last week, and other previously known facts, there seem to be only two possibilities: Strzok was lying or an unknown spy was targeting the Trump campaign.

Strzok sent the “insurance policy” text to Page on August 15, 2016, just two weeks after the FBI’s launch of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation of the Trump campaign: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office—that there’s no way he gets elected—but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.  It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” the former deputy assistant director wrote to Page.

Strzok’s Answer

When questioned on the meaning of this text by members of the House Judiciary Committee, Strzok testified that “we had received information from a very sensitive source alleging collusion between the Government of Russia and members of the Trump campaign.”

“As is frequently the case in counterintelligence investigations and any national security investigations,” Strzok added, “there’s a tension between the protection of a sensitive source and method of pursuing the investigation related to that information.”

“So my use of the phrase ‘insurance policy’ was simply to say,” Strzok continued, that “while the polls or people might think it is less likely that then-candidate Trump would be elected, that should not influence—that should not get in the way of us doing our job responsibly to protect the national security.”

For backdrop, Strzok then stressed,  there was a debate swirling internally concerning “how aggressively to pursue investigation, given that aggressive pursuit might put that intelligence source at risk.” But since polls overwhelmingly favored Hillary Clinton, some in the FBI (presumably Page) believed “we cannot risk this source by just not really investigating that aggressively.” Strzok noted that he disagreed with that perspective, believing that the FBI needed to investigate because, if Trump won, individuals colluding with Russia might be named to senior national security positions.

Page similarly testified that upon opening Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI staff had a number of discussions about how to balance the need to ensure the Russians had not co-opted an individual associated with the Trump presidential campaign and the desire not to approach the investigation at a breakneck speed and potentially burn sources. Page explained  she took the view that, because Trump was unlikely to be elected, there was not the same threat to national security, thus a more cautious approach made more sense.

While Page and Strzok’s explanations lined up in the main, Strzok’s testimony added one significant detail. He spoke of having already “received information from a very sensitive source alleging collusion alleging collusion between the Government of Russia and members of the Trump campaign.”

But Strzok sent the “insurance policy” text on August 15, 2016, merely two weeks after the official launch of Crossfire Hurricane. And the FBI has claimed it initiated the Russia probe when it received information that the Trump campaign had foreknowledge of the WikiLeaks possession of the hacked Democratic National Committee emails. That information came, however, not from “a very sensitive source,” but from an Australian diplomat named Alexander Downer.

What ‘Sensitive Source’ Did He Mean?

Trump campaign volunteer advisor George Papadopoulos had told Downer in May 2016, over drinks in a London bar, that the Russians had damaging information on Hillary Clinton. After WikiLeaks released the DNC emails, Joe Hockey, Australia’s ambassador to the United States, relayed Downer’s information to the FBI (in late July 2016).

Former British spy and “dossier” author Christopher Steele also would not qualify as “a very sensitive source,” for many reasons. First, the FBI has maintained that Steele’s reporting had nothing to do with the launch of the investigation into the Trump campaign. Second, the FBI has long claimed that it did not receive Steele’s “intel” at FBI headquarters until mid-September.

Third, Steele’s identity as a former MI6 agent is well-known, already making it impossible for him to travel to Russia or otherwise act covertly. Finally, Steele had no problem outing himself to several media outlets when spreading the details of his dossier.

Page’s testimony further negates any possibility that Steele was the “very sensitive source” the FBI wanted to protect. Page claimed that, as of August 2016, she did not know who Steele was. “I don’t know that he’s an FBI source. I don’t know what he does. I have never heard of him in all my life,” Page testified. She continued: “When the FBI first receives the reports that are known as the dossier from an FBI agent who is Christopher Steele’s handler in September of 2016, at that time, we do not know who—we don’t know why these reports are generated. We don’t know for what purpose.”

So, if the FBI didn’t know who Steele was in August 2016, he couldn’t have been “a very sensitive source,” for that reason as well.  keep reading

10 Comments on Did Peter Strzok Lie, Or Was There A Spy Targeting The Trump Campaign?

  1. As I commented at the federalist, when do the hangings proceed?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. By the way, I would shoot this mutherfooker just for that look!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. They’re all lying bastards.
    Ohr’s wife was giving him info the whole time she was at gps. That is a bunch of baloney, that they didn’t know about any of it until August or whenever. They’re just running around, like a chinese firedrill, confusing everything, and what they are doing is calculated. Constructed. But what they are also doing is rationalizing and selling that. They haven’t convinced me.
    The first thing that has to be done is get the deck out of their hands. They keep reshuffling the cards. We need a new dealer.
    And bust in ben rhoades’ door at 4:30 AM and drag him in to testify. Not only for Benghazi, but for this too. He’s the fictional author, don’t forget.

  4. As citizens we must wait patiently for the wheels of justice to slowly, but surely, grind out what this man deserves for his betrayal.

    But eventually, if the system we hold so dear has become too corrupted to deliver justice, it falls to the individual citizen to deliver that outcome when the opportunity presents itself.

    Short the witness protection program, Mr. Strzok is just a regular guy, out living life somewhere, without the protection of the FBI he has so tainted. He should be looking perpetually over his shoulder, everywhere he goes.

  5. If it’s just a few bad apples at the top of the FBI just how is it they managed to get in those positions?
    If these cockroaches are ever finally brought to justice it’ll have already ruined the satisfaction people should get because it’s dragged out so long. Besides, the punishment is likely to be far more lenient than they deserve.

  6. @Anonymous March 21, 2019 at 4:40 am

    “Attack the bullets near you. Ignore the guns. Praise the shooters.”

    It’s a plan, Anonymous. I’m not saying it’s a good plan. But, it is a plan.

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