Trump Has More Female Advisers Than Obama, Bush, or Clinton – IOTW Report

Trump Has More Female Advisers Than Obama, Bush, or Clinton



Epoch Times: President Donald Trump employs more senior female advisers as part of his administration than the three former presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama each had during their time in the White House.

As of the start of his third year as president, Trump had seven top female advisers, compared to five for Clinton, three for Bush, and five for Obama at similar points during their presidency.

Trump had eight as of December 2018, before United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley said it was time to step aside after serving six years as the governor of South Carolina and almost two years as ambassador.

The sitting president may even have more women as key advisers in his presidency than any other president in U.S. history, according to the Washington Examiner, who cited the low numbers of female senior presidential advisers before Clinton’s reign.  more

6 Comments on Trump Has More Female Advisers Than Obama, Bush, or Clinton

  1. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has the best job.
    She gets to spar with morons on a daily basis.
    I would love that job!
    I love that woman! 🙂

    Kellyanne Conway needs to dump that slug porcine husband.

    I sure hope President Trump learned his lesson with Omarosa…

  2. Ivanka Kushner has way too much control over Trump, control she is not legally entitled to. She has daughter coercion power, together with Jared her husband, to hold Trump captive in the White House, acting as insider agents for Israel. And that makes them honeytraps to entice Trump into doing whatever Israel wants. Melania apparently is not as dear to Trump as is Ivanka, and seems to have become only a political prop for performance purposes, but not for influence.

  3. @tRuth March 23, 2019 at 4:13 am

    > Ivanka Kushner has way too much control over Trump

    That’s like saying your alcoholic uncle has drunk way too much. This time. Donald Trump is what he is. Just like your drunk uncle. And, just like your drunk uncle, he can change. If he decides to. But both your uncle and Trump are as likely to want to, to see a need to, to act on a choice to, to carry through to the other side, a choice to, put aside the cancer of their souls.

  4. Pentagon trolls at work to earn their pay. Can’t refute anything with facts! Start with these to refute:

    Pentagon Unveil ‘Troll Army’ To Spread American Propaganda Online
    January 12, 2018
    [Photo of military cyber warriors at work]

    Ira Greenstein: Jared Kushner‘s Criminal Deal With Israel Behind U.S. Involvement In Syria For Genie Energy’s Control of the Golan Heights
    Feb 18, 2018
    The Trump administration along with Jared Kushner employed in the White House, a lawyer by the name of Ira Greenstein from Newark, New Jersey, who was by all accounts still acting as President and/or in the interest of his energy corporation when the U.S. bombed Syria.*
    Genie Energy.
    An energy corporation operating privately in Syrian territory — the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

    In Golan Heights, Trump Bolsters Israel’s Netanyahu but Risks Roiling Middle East
    Israeli soldiers looking toward Syria from an observation point in the Golan Heights last year. Israel seized the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967.
    Lior Mizrahi/Getty Images
    By Mark Landler and Edward Wong
    March 21, 2019
    President Trump declared on Thursday that the United States should recognize Israel’s authority over the long disputed Golan Heights, delivering a valuable election-eve gift to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but jettisoning decades of American policy in the Middle East.

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