Bongino: Mueller Never Charged Anyone in Relation To Russian Collusion Scandal – IOTW Report

Bongino: Mueller Never Charged Anyone in Relation To Russian Collusion Scandal

“…And Bob Mueller could not vindicate a single collusion charge…and how do we know that? Because he has never charged one single person with a conspiracy charge related to this Russian collusion scandal laid out in that dossier. That’s the big story.”  Watch

9 Comments on Bongino: Mueller Never Charged Anyone in Relation To Russian Collusion Scandal

  1. Essentially, Mueller could only create process crimes then indict and prosecute for them.

    Process crimes that were totally unrelated to the supposed purpose of the investigation.

  2. Trump – was guilty until proven innocent. Okay congress indict Obama, Hillary etal. for their crimes or you will be obstructing justice and ignoring the Rule of Law. FU Schumer, Schitt, Pelosi, Waters, etc. Time for a republican to grow some balls and start accusing dems of the above.

  3. What we actuall have here is a failed coup attempt. If justice were to be done the leaders and active participants of the move to unseat a duly elected President and topple the government would be offered a cigarette and a blindfold at dawn. I mean that in all seriousness. And that would include a lot of media figures.

    This is all about a hostile attempt at “fundamentally transforming” our system of government. They thought they had it with Hillary completing the job that jug ears started, and would have had it if not for Donald Trump. They had Paul Ryan in place to coreograph the fan dance in the eRepublican effort to scuttle any opposition in the House. They had McConnell in the Senate, all they needed was Hillary in the Executive branch solidifying the takeover of the Judiciary branch and the progs were home free.

    But for one man this was a fait accompli and that explains the meltdown after the election and now this. Give us Trump in 2020 and they are in a real bind. They see their fundamental transformation designs as having been set back decades, right when they thought they had it.

    Job one right now for the Administration should be breaking up Twitter and Facebook’s ability to censor free exchange of ideas. And don’t get me started on what needs to be done regarding college campuses and the one way enlightenment of the benighted that they think is their birthright. By God if anyone ever believed themselves born booted and spurred and endowed with a calling to ride the mass of humanity it is a close call if the Fake news media or academia has the most gall.

    Our forefathers would have been shooting by now.

  4. Nothing will happen to any of the big names. Some of the foot soldiers in this thing may be Arkansided but the big names will go Scot free and get hired by Fox.


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