CNN and NBC Agree: This Is a Total Legal Exoneration of Trump – IOTW Report

CNN and NBC Agree: This Is a Total Legal Exoneration of Trump

Sara Carter- 

In the aftermath of the letter of Attorney General William Barr to Congress summarizing Special Counsel Robert Mueller‘s report, many media outlets started analyzing its findings.

Ken Delanian, and NBC News reporter wrote in a tweet: “this is a total legal exoneration of the president. Congress will want to know more, of course. But the topline: No conspiracy, no obstruction.”more


9 Comments on CNN and NBC Agree: This Is a Total Legal Exoneration of Trump

  1. Well lah de dah and a great big DUH! The democraps shot their wad and it didn’t amount to diddly squat, everyone but the idiots on the left knew that President Trump was not guilty of any collusion with the Russians. If anyone is guilty of collusion it’s the democraps, now go after them won’t you. But that’ll probably never happen because they’re the elites and can get away with everything, hopefully they will be found guilty of collusion but I’m not holding my breath. What a waste of time and taxpayers money to come to the foregone conclusion that Trump is not guilty of anything except for making the democraps hate his guts since he beat hellary fair and square in the 2016 Presidential election.

  2. Their coverage doesn’t support that claim. They’re bringing anybody and everybody they can find to refute the report or add new claims of obstruction to continue their campaign against the President. How you obstruct when collusion is ruled out is beyond me but they’re trying.

  3. So far the most surprising thing to me about the end of the investigation without finding anything about Trump to charge him with is that there is no major Antifa rioting in the streets going on (yet).

    Did the left actually get caught that unprepared or are they just losing their power and screaming louder and louder to try to keep people from seeing it?

  4. Democrats are NOT done w/this. They’re Communists and have been waiting for decades to “own” this country. Betting that somehow, some way, the week-end suicide of Prof Alan Krueger (econ advisor to clinton & bho) has a political connection to these Marxist aggressions.

  5. The ONLY way to distract libtards from their religion of, “Orange Man Bad,” IS to prosecute Hillary for her knowing crimes, (e.g. Fast and Furious as well as her FOIA avoidance schemes,) during the administration of Zerobama.


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