DJT jr slams “leader of the tin foil hat brigade, Adam Schiff” – IOTW Report

DJT jr slams “leader of the tin foil hat brigade, Adam Schiff”

DC- Donald Trump Jr. attacked congressional Democrats on Monday evening after Attorney General William Barr’s summary of the Mueller report basically cleared him and his father of any collusion with Russia.

“We handed over our e-mails,” Trump Jr. said on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “I did 27-something hours of testimony in front of congressional committees. You know what happened? You go to the meeting for seven hours—’guys, do you have any more questions?’ Go look at the records. ‘Do you have questions?’ ‘No, we have none.’ Guys like Dick Blumenthal go out on the steps and say there are many questions that were not answered. It’s nonsense. It’s a game.”

“You have the leader of the tin foil hat brigade, Adam Schiff, talking about the evidence of collusion,” Trump continued. “He’s lying to the American people. He’s doing it every day on national television. He’s gotten more air time, amazingly enough, than Michael Avenatti, but they’re about of the same level of credibility and there’s no accountability for that, Tucker. When you’re on that side, you have the media carrying your water for you, you can say whatever you want. When you’re on our side, even when you’re right, even when you’re proven so, there’s a level of culpability.”  watch

5 Comments on DJT jr slams “leader of the tin foil hat brigade, Adam Schiff”

  1. Long after president Trump leaves office in 2021 (or 2025?) his children will be followed, and persecuted. Their every move will be videoed. Their lives ruined. God bless them for their sacrifice.

  2. The left never faces any consequences for their behavior because RINO’s say, “Let put this all behind us and begging the healing process,” while left the goes away laughing.

  3. The American people are just as culpable for not marching in the streets agains’t this corruption. Where are the protests agains’t shit-for–brains, the FBI, mueller and his henchmen, brennan the muzzie, all the other traitors in our gov’t and the liars in media? Our rights are being taken away on a daily basis and people just bend over and take it. Where are the leaders who will say enough is enough. Where is the rally round this President? At the least there should be a million man march in support. A “Suck it, Trump Haters March.”

  4. Adam Schitt
    is what
    Adam Schitt does

    And it’s there for everybody to see

    Is Adam Schitt significant in any way ?

    Does Adam Schitt matter in any way ?

    Is Adam Schitt of any cognificance ?

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