The 6.5 million dollar Parent – IOTW Report

The 6.5 million dollar Parent

American Thinker- 

College admissions scandal now has a tantalizing mystery.

Today, the first set of parents charged in the college admissions scandal will appear in court in Boston, offering our celebrity-obsessed media an opportunity to move along from their two years of obsession over the now discredited Trump-Russia conspiracy theory.  Having discredited themselves by relentlessly pushing an evidence-free conspiracy, they likely now will turn to the story of how the ruling class rigs the system that is supposed to produce a meritocracy justifying their power and influence.

The story already is irresistible on its own, in addition to its potential to change the subject.  But the Los Angeles Times today highlights a huge mystery that prosecutors are keeping under wraps:

Of the many outrageous allegations revealed by federal prosecutors in the college cheating scandal, one stands out.

Someone paid $6.5 million to get his or her children into elite schools.  But the identity of that parent — and details about which schools were involved — remains a mystery nearly two weeks after authorities in Boston filed the charges against dozens of wealthy individuals.

The lack of information about the money is more notable given that the charges go into intense detail about the alleged actions of other parents, who are accused of bribing and cheating to get their kids into schools such as Yale, USC and UCLA.

Prosecutors have mentioned the $6.5 million in payments at a news conference and in court.  But they are not included in the hundreds of pages detailing the charges.

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8 Comments on The 6.5 million dollar Parent

  1. I want to know how every network “journalist” in America got into college except Tucker, Atkinson and Logan. Their whole careers need to be examined in light of the shameful mueller scam. Even local news readers who pushed the false lies. Let them all face a ” Kavanaugh” hearing! Then take their jobs.


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