Tlaib Will Continue Impeachment Push After Mueller Findings – IOTW Report

Tlaib Will Continue Impeachment Push After Mueller Findings


Democratic congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) will continue pushing for impeachment, despite the conclusion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

On Monday—one day after Attorney General William Barr released a summary of Mueller’s findings—Tlaib sent a letter urging fellow House Democrats to support her resolution to investigate “impeachable actions by President [Donald Trump] post-inauguration.” The Washington Free Beacon received a copy of the letter courtesy of the congresswoman’s office.

“The actions of President Trump before he was officially sworn in as President of United States is currently being investigated by the Southern District of New York and much of it is part of the completed report by independent investigator, Robert Mueller,” the letter reads. “However, the most dangerous threat to our democracy is President Trump’s actions since taking the oath of office.”

“The fact that President Trump has yet to comply with various clauses of our U.S. Constitution sets a dangerous precedent,” it continues. “Much of the allegations have yet to be fully investigated by this body who also took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution.”

The allegations Tlaib wants investigated include potential violations of the Constitution’s emoluments clause, payments made by Michael Cohen during the 2016 presidential election, and determining whether Mueller’s evidence “on obstruction of justice” violates federal law.

“We all swore to protect our nation, and that begins with making sure that no one, including the President of the United States, is acting above the law,” the letter states. “I urge your support in recommending that the House Committee on Judiciary begin hearings, take depositions, and issue subpoenas to answer this question that is fundamental to the rule of law and the preservation of our democracy.”

Tlaib, who was previously caught on camera promising to “impeach the motherf—,” had already planned to introduce the resolution prior to to the conclusion of the special counsel’s investigation.

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13 Comments on Tlaib Will Continue Impeachment Push After Mueller Findings

  1. Simple question.
    When will her colleagues get so tired of hearing her rant that they censor and expel her?
    Same thing for AOC, Lee, and others screaming for impeachment. They are all vile fools.

  2. straight answer.
    they will never give up because they are on a libelous mission from mohammad, and we are on a zealous mission from God. they will get the memo soon. God always wins.

  3. So let the maggot push. She’ll be a GOP vote machine, like that other maggot obama.

    Can you believe she has a son? Who could have gotten drunk enough to want to sex with her and still be able to have gotten it up?

  4. I have yet to hear an answer from a lefty regarding the question, “How do you obstruct justice when it is proven no crime (collusion) has been committed?”

  5. Peter – They are intent on keeping up the illusion of a “crime” so that they can push “obstruction” down the throats of their ignorant base of dumbed-down, teeth-gnashing, pearl-clutching, bead-strumming, self-absorbed, White guilt-ridden, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, media-obsessed, spoon-fed, Trump-hating, moisterizing-metro-sexuals, hypocrites, fools, suckers and progressive idiots blindly following the Pied Piper of Communism.

  6. There is no Co-existing with these Muslim motherfuckers. There is no Appeasement with these Muslim motherfuckers.

    There is only Destroy/Expel Them Completely, or we will be destroyed. Look at Europe.

  7. …she’s not pushing for impeachment, she’s pushing for fucking up the American political process by any means necessary,so it will fail and be replaced by Shari’a, and the U.S. becomes another caliphate.

    As Mohammad commands.

    Muslims do not accept any government but that of Mohammad. They are not permitted to. They are only there to piss in the soup.

    As Mohammad commands.

    Any Muslim that tells you different is either a bad Muslim or a good liar.×369.jpg


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