The EU Just Destroyed The Internet with Article11 and Article13 – IOTW Report

The EU Just Destroyed The Internet with Article11 and Article13

21 Comments on The EU Just Destroyed The Internet with Article11 and Article13

  1. Much like 0bamacare, they passed it without reading it and had no clue how to operate it except to destroy healthcare and part of the economy. They, like the Dems here, don’t know what the fuck they’re doing yet they keep on doing it for control. They burn down your business and then they’re like- Ooh lemme fix that for you.

  2. The EU always was a bunch of commies.

    It’s sad to think that we stomped out the Nazis and left the commies all upright and sniffing the air.

    The next Great War, if it’s not a second American Civil War, will be a war with the EU.

  3. You can kiss all memes good-bye and then non-conforming blog sites.

    Remember, the United States relinquished control of the Internet and all Domain Names.

    If you think Article 11 and Article 13 apply only to the EU, you’re going to need a glass navel to observe your world with your head up your butt.

    The Internet was great fun and we had a great run, peeps. 🙁

  4. @Different Tim

    Me too. KIA in 1944 and buried at Walcheron (not sure about the spelling) Island in the Scheldt Estuary.

    The Greatest Generation did a lot. Let us never forget.

  5. frightening … in the end he claimed people will wake up … no, they won’t
    people today have been conditioned to be sheep … freedom is sitting in your room & being continuously plugged in to the system

    take your Soma … all is well

  6. I’m 62. When I warn my kids about this, they think I’m being silly. I have a feeling they will learn what I’m talking about the hard way. I hope I’m gone when it hits the fan.

  7. I was talking at dinner tonight about this and describing what I was learning and my 14 year old grandson said “you mean article 13?” He makes me a proud grandpa.

  8. This was explained in a YouTube video I watched and shared several months ago. It’s not like the EU and the US have separate World Wide Webs. In order for companies like YouTube and Facebook to comply with these draconian European laws, they will need to suppress the ‘illegal’ internet pages world-wide, meaning within the US as well.

    Europe has done to the internet what they have wanted to do to US firearms owners since the end of WWII!

  9. Right about when these despots get the internet clamped down and neutered. Iran will hit them with an EMP attack which they never saw coming and couldn’t stop anyway, because they were so busy attacking their own citizenry.


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