PA State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz(R) outraged Dems with opening prayer – IOTW Report

PA State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz(R) outraged Dems with opening prayer


DC: Republican Pennsylvania State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz outraged Democrats by mentioning Jesus 13 times in her invocation on the day of Pennsylvania’s first female Muslim representative’s swearing-in.

Borowicz thanked Jesus, “the King of Kings; the Lord of lords; the great I Am; the One who’s coming back again; the One who came, died, and rose again on the third day,” for the honor of being His ambassador, asked forgiveness on behalf of America for forgetting Him and for Him to heal the country, praised Him for President Donald Trump’s support of Israel and declared that “at the name of Jesus every knee will bow.”

Democratic Pennsylvania State Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell, the first female Muslim representative in the state’s legislature, decried the Monday prayer as offensive, as did state Democratic leadership.

“I thought that for the most part, the entire invocation was offensive,” Johnson-Harrell said, according to The Associated Press.

Johnson-Harrell also asserted that Borowicz used Jesus “as a weapon” to target her because she is Muslim.

“I knew I was going to receive some discrimination because of my religion,” Johnson-Harrell said according to WHYY. “Because I’m a hijabi woman. And I am the first…but I did not think it would come on the actual day of my swearing-in.”

An Islamic prayer called Takbir was recited before the legislature during Johnson-Harrell’s swearing-in, but ended just before the prayer’s traditional last line, which repudiates the belief that God begat a son, thereby rejecting the Christian understanding of Jesus.

House Minority Leader Frank Dermody also denounced Borowicz’s prayer as “beneath the dignity of this House.”

Dermody proposed developing guidelines to ensure that the prayer delivered before voting sessions will be one that “is meant to inspire us, that is meant to bring us together so we can have, at least, an opportunity at the beginning of the day to think sure that we can get something done here together.”

Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf also decried the prayer.

The state’s legislature, by contrast, applauded Muslim Democratic Pennsylvania State Rep. Jason Dawkins’ Tuesday invocation, in which he recited from the Quran.

WATCH State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz’s invocation.

26 Comments on PA State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz(R) outraged Dems with opening prayer

  1. “beneath the dignity of this House.” -Frank Dermody (M)

    So. The ‘Democrats,’ aka Marxists, believe that G_D is beneath the dignity of mortal institutions. Duly noted.

    I think Frank is going to be unpleasantly surprised when you-know-who comes calling.

  2. It’s time for those calling themselves Christian to either stand up for their beliefs and do it as publicly as possible, get in Satan’s face with it so to speak, or admit that they are not actually Christians so they don’t lead others trying to be Christians astray.

  3. ……..and on the other side of the world,
    Brunei to Start STONING Gay & Bisexual Men to Death, starting this April 2019. Adulterers, apostates and assorted others already suffer this death Under Sharia Law……

  4. They have surrendered any credibility when they attack those practicing christian beliefs and praise those muslims infesting the political structure.
    They either can’t see their own hypocrisy or don’t think we can.

  5. “I knew I was going to receive some discrimination because of my religion,”

    And we know that we will all be expected to remain silent because of your religion.

  6. Jesus is not the one calling for killing all those who don’t believe in him, never has and never will. It’s the false god allah and his Islamic barbarian minions. Our God is full of grace and mercy and forgiveness towards unbelievers as well as free will, Islam has none of those qualities and will kill all who don’t believe in their phony baloney small g god. I will never bow to these barbarians ever.

  7. Revelation 6:10-11 clearly states that there is a set number of Christian martyrs that will be reached, then the end will come. And Christians are being martyred in record numbers, so we are getting close very quickly.

  8. Yes! Amen, Sis and Hallelujah!
    What a brave Christian, fufilling her commission to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ – Good News, unashamed.

    Reasons why Islamic and Secular pagans don’t know The True and Living God;

    1 Corinthians 1:18 NIV
    18 “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
    25 “For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength”

    Psalm 14:1 KJV
    1 (To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.) The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good”

    The following is a very telling quote, also from The Holy Bible;

    Ecclesiasties 10:2
    2 A wise man’s heart is at his right hand; but a fool’s heart at his left.

  9. “Johnson-Harrell also asserted that Borowicz used Jesus “as a weapon” to target her because she is Muslim.”
    Hey, I’m okay with that. Get these effers out of the gov’t AND out of the country.

  10. Some people’s lives are consumed by hate, rage and intolerance. They cannot fathom anyone with a different outlook. They fear and hate others not like them, whether religion, race, gender or political views.

    We must see us the way God sees us when we are safe in his arms. And we must not deny him, but spread his good news. That is all that matters.

    Thank you, Rep. Borowiczr! God bless you.


    “This is the problem with tolerance, it begets rabies-level intolerance from its beneficiaries. Every. Time.”

    What is hate speech? Legally. According to the Supreme Court. Joe Briggs cites the controlling case, Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1969, which states hate speech must meet three conditions: Intent, imminence and likelihood.

    You have to intentionally be inciting people to commit crimes of violence. Those crimes have to be specific and imminent. “Let’s go down the street and hang this guy” would be specific and imminent. “I’d like to string that guy up” would not be. And there has to be a strong likelihood that once the threat is made, the crimes will actually be committed. If any of these three things is lacking, the speech is protected. It can be hateful as all get-out, but it’s still protected.

    Eaton Rapids Joe posted a Detroit News story, “(Attorney General Dana) Nessel, civil rights unit to increase prosecution of hate crimes”. His excerpts:

    Michigan’s attorney general and Department of Civil Rights on Friday laid out plans to increase the documentation and prosecution of hate crimes and incidents while citing a reported uptick in extremist and hate groups in the state.

    Nessel’s new unit will fight against hate crimes and review any groups identified in the SPLC list, her spokeswoman Kelly Rossman-McKinney said.

    Arbulu’s plans for a database would document hate and bias incidents that don’t rise to the level of a crime. The database would then be used to identify areas where awareness and education programs are most needed, he said.

    Arbulu said he hopes to have the database operating within two or three months. The department piloted such a plan for a few months after President Donald Trump was elected in 2016.

    Wait wait, “… incidents that don’t rise to the level of a crime”? She’s compiling a database of people who are doing things that are not illegal but warrant “education programs”? Are they to write forced confessions and wear them around their necks while being berated and beaten by Right Thinking People?

    Apparently prosecuting actual crime is no longer the first order of business in Michigan. Apparently Attorney General Nessel has sufficient on-the-job discretion to indulge in moronic scams and bill the public for it. What brought this on?

    Her bio says, “Nessel lives in southeast Michigan with her wife, Alanna Maguire, and her twin sons, Alex and Zach” . Get that? Shelives with her wife. This is the problem with tolerance, it begets rabies-level intolerance from its beneficiaries. Every. Time.

    Are we to suppose she agrees that equality and diversity demand the city’s gang bangers give her the “awareness and education program” they think she needs? Thought not.


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