Trump trade war victories follow Mueller ‘nothingburger’ – IOTW Report

Trump trade war victories follow Mueller ‘nothingburger’

American Thinker: President Trump is notching a series of trade war victories following Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “nothingburger” vindication of our “Make America Great Again” change agent.

With the two-year investigation by the full apparatus and resources of the U.S. ‘Administrative State’ unable to find Donald Trump and his team guilty of illegitimately stealing the election from Hillary Clinton, the globalist community must accommodate President Trump as “Vox Populi,” the Latin term for “the voice of the people.”

The globalist corporate and political community did not pay much attention to candidate Donald Trump, until he swept the April 26,  2016 Northeastern Super Tuesday primaries by winning 108 of the 116 pledged delegates from Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania.

First snickering about how pathetic it was that a reality show huckster might win the Republican nomination, the globalist cabal became apoplectic the next day when Trump in his first major foreign policy speech promised to scrap the bipartisan post-Cold War doctrine described by George Friedman of Geopolitical Futures as consensus acceptance of the “U.S. as both a member of multinational institutions and treaties defining trade, as well as the U.S. using its military power to shape unstable regions.”

Trump shockingly stated that as president he would maintain the maximum amount of freedom by not announcing a doctrine, because the U.S. has tended to be “locked into a set of policies on trade, the Middle East and other matters.” Trump argued that he opposed written doctrines for two reasons: 1) they “assume a tactical predictability that isn’t there, forcing reality to make war with strategy”; and 2) “predictability in foreign policy gives opponents a tremendous advantage.”

But Trump’s most disruptive statement was his rejection of “the false song of globalism.”  With over 60 years free trade having served as the guiding principal that drove global intergovernmental organizations and open-ended military alliances, Trump declared a rebellion against the New World Order where voter’s self-interest was strategically constrained by a labyrinth of treaties and protocols.    more here

2 Comments on Trump trade war victories follow Mueller ‘nothingburger’

  1. All the other ‘conservative’ candidates that Americans had to vote for in the past, up to and including the ones that DJT vanquished in those primaries, would have CAVED to the pressure from the Media alone, which was clearly working as surrogate for the Leftists, who toil to complete the 1935 CPUSA Agenda.

    Delaying those treaties for two years, threatened our farmers, our steelmakers, our Energy industries….
    How many dollars did that cost?
    Shouldn’t the Left be held directly responsible for that cost??


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