Dem Candidate John Hickenlooper signed a No Fossil Fuel Pledge, then crossed his name out when explained the details of the pledge – IOTW Report

Dem Candidate John Hickenlooper signed a No Fossil Fuel Pledge, then crossed his name out when explained the details of the pledge

DC: Democratic presidential candidate John Hickenlooper signed a No Fossil Fuel Pledge, then crossed his name out when explained the details of the pledge.

While speaking to prospective voters at a local bar in Newmarket, New Hampshire, Hickenlooper stepped into an awkward situation when one audience member asked if he would sign the No Fossil Fuel Pledge — an oath not to knowingly accept campaign donations of over $200 from the oil, gas and coal industry.

The former Democratic governor, at first, quickly agreed to sign the pledge, and even took it a step further by saying he would not accept any dollar amount from fossil fuel corporations.

“I’m crossing out the $200,” Hickenlooper told the audience. “I’m not going to take any corporate donations at all.”

However, when Griffin Sinclair-Wingate, a member with the New Hampshire Youth Movement, later clarified to Hickenlooper that the pledge included not just corporations, but individuals tied to fossil fuel companies as well, the Democratic candidate crossed his name out and said it was an “impossible” pledge to abide by.

“We get a thousand checks a day. People write them all the time,” he said. “How can I sign this? You’ve made an impossible thing to sign if someone is going to run a race.”   more here

22 Comments on Dem Candidate John Hickenlooper signed a No Fossil Fuel Pledge, then crossed his name out when explained the details of the pledge

  1. Did the people who came up with the “pledge” walk to the event? And everywhere else they need to go? Do they use solar ovens to cook all their food? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

  2. 🎶On the first day of the journey…

    Look. There will not be a straight white male candidate winning the Democrat nomination. Period. Full stop.
    Robert Francis O’Dourke, the fake Mexican, won’t get it either, in spite of crisscrossing the country in a sombrero singing La Cucaracha.

    Democrats will go through the desert on a downtrodden minority horse with no identifiable gender before they go through the desert on a white male horse named Hickenlooper.

  3. Newmarket NH is democrat central. It is a small main street town that is an easy 15 minute stroll from one end of the town to the other. You have professors of the university living there and the revitalized manufacturing factories turned into lofts for the artisans and enlightened young professionals who work in nearby Portsmouth.

  4. He actually worked as a Petroleum Geologist before he was laid off and became a successful businessman in Denver with the Wynkoop Brewery in LoDo. Now, Comrade Clueless can’t even defend the capitalist system that afforded him the opportunity to become wealthy enough to take up politics as a sideline occupation.


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