Is She Crying NOW? Rachel Maddow lost half of a million viewers in just one week – IOTW Report

Is She Crying NOW? Rachel Maddow lost half of a million viewers in just one week

DC: MSNBC host Rachel Maddow lost half of a million viewers in just one week after special counsel Robert Mueller’s report indicated that he did not find enough evidence to support collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Maddow has been one of the most prominent voices on the collusion conspiracy, spending most of her programs over the past two years on allegations that President Donald Trump coordinated with the Russian government to win the 2016 presidential election. Maddow struggled to hold back tears as she delivered her opening monologue last Friday, clearly stunned that Mueller did not bring any indictments against the president or his family.

The implosion of the Russian collusion narrative damaged more than just Maddow’s ego — it, at least temporarily, destroyed her ratings.  more

19 Comments on Is She Crying NOW? Rachel Maddow lost half of a million viewers in just one week

  1. Wow! To think she had a 1/4 of 1/2 a million is how misleading the internet is!
    Rachel never got over being turned down as Amanda Whurlizer in the Bad News Bears. The original and the remake,,

  2. I’m surprised her viewership by whackjobs did not increase after the crazy left’s irrational reaction to the – there’s no there there – Mueller report.

    Followed by the left’s cry – Where’s the beef?! We’re certain there is some – somewhere, we’ve seen the bun. Not at all lefties – you didn’t see an empty bun, ya saw a backside moon, and heard the this message clearly, Kiss my a__.


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