My Day With Snopes – IOTW Report

My Day With Snopes

Powerline: Over the weekend I came across the Snopes fact check: “Did U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar Marry Her Brother?” It rates the allegation, originally raised by me on Power Line, “Unproven.” Published on February 15, it stated in its conclusion that neither Omar nor Power Line had responded to a list of questions. Before writing Snopes I searched the Power Line gmail account for any email from Snopes. It turned up nothing. I emailed Snopes stating that we had never received a list of questions and asking for a correction.

Around noon yesterday we received a “forwarded” email with a list of questions from Snopes reporter Bethania Parma dated February 15, the same date as Snopes’s Omar post. It read:


I’m a reporter for the fact checking organization I am looking into rumors about Ilhan Omar’s marriage and the claim she married her brother. A post written by Scott Johnson on Powerline appears to be most-cited as the original source for this claim. Johnson cited a message board called SomaliSpot.

My questions are:
– Does Mr. Johnson have any evidence to back the claim that Rep. Omar married her brother, other than a post on the SomaliSpot message board?
– Is Mr. Johnson aware of any evidence that has surfaced since his blog post was published?
– Was Mr. Johnson and Powerline the first to report this claim?

Thank you in advance for your help, I look forward to your response.


Bethania Palma

I immediately asked Palma where the forwarded email had allegedly been sent. I wrote:

Bethania: I am not sure how you responded to the question I asked regarding where you sent your February 15 email. Let me state unequivocally that it was not received at our Power Line gmail account (this one). I have searched under your name and under Snopes. A search returns the Snopes automated response to my March 23 email and our exchange today but nothing else. I want you immediately to correct the comment that we have not responded to [you]. I will have a substantive response to you later today.

I want to add this. I also ask that you share it with your editors at Snopes. I have promptly responded to every reporter who has asked me about my work on Ilhan Omar. That includes Patrick Coolican of the Star Tribune, Sheryl Gay Stolberg of the New York Times, Brent Scher of the Washington Free Beacon, John Gage of the Washington Examiner, Preya Samsundar of Alpha News in Minneapolis, and David Steinberg of PJ Media. None of them had any problem contacting me. Indeed, my phone number is listed on our site. Several of them called me. How is [it] that only Snopes was unable to contact me prior to publication of your fact check? That is one fact I would like to check.

I emailed Snopes on Saturday from my personal gmail account. I would appreciate your acknowledgement that you have shared this message with your editors and copying your response to me at my personal gmail address [omitted].


Scott Johnson

I received no response. Our Power Line publisher is searching our spam folders for the February 15 message [see update below], but does any legitimate news organization consider a single unsolicited message from a previously unknown email account to be a legitimate attempt to contact a named subject? When the subject has a publicly displayed cell phone number on the site that gives rise to the issue under review? Give me a break.

When I returned home yesterday afternoon I quickly responded to the substance of Palma’s questions. I’m not proud of it, but it is submitted for your consideration as part of the story:  MORE


h/t Aunt Liz.

18 Comments on My Day With Snopes

  1. Bethania Palma – I’m willing to bet a paycheck on the fact viewed as true by Snopes that Bethania Palma is a made-up name. I call B.S. on that bunch of losers.

  2. That’s what it boils down to… I know Mohammed Izz A Diik isn’t a real name. His name is Bob, or Joe, or Blasphemous Murdering Goat Rapist.

    His name ISN’T MO-ham-ed Suckspigcranks.

  3. They are located right down the street. Darlings of the left, tools of the left and that is the alpha and the omega of Snopes.

    Nothing the least bit impartial about their fact checking

  4. The more you have dealings with the left the more you come to realize they have their own set of “facts.” Their facts are filtered through a lens of denial, infused with propaganda and finally left in the dark to moulder.

  5. Public records should be used to confirm or deny something like this.

    Marriage records, birth an death records, immigration and naturalization records, etc, are public records.

  6. In the screwed up world around us today, you could marry a goat and it would be okay with the left. Goats may even vote now. I wonder if you identified as a goat if you would have to pay income taxes?? Asking for a friend of a friend.

  7. Benito right the spelling AND the number of names and pseudonyms, the ordering or the many spelling variations AND the fact that the women use their father’s names that may also be corrupted. Another big one is the adding of Al, Abou and the use and disuse of hypenation. Don’t get me started on their numerous business names that are veils of deception. They really got us where they want us but I’m gonna look at Omar next as I know some of the tricks. . . furthermore a divorce in our courts mean nothing because to them our laws are nothing and besides then a great way to scam the system with multiple wives with dif last names. Nicknames like Sam and Mike, etc. It needs to END with universal ID

  8. ” Benito the Bombed Beaner MARCH 27, 2019 AT 11:30 PM

    …when we first started getting Muslims, our HR department had to actually fire one of them, a guy named “Amadou Diallo”.

    I can put that name out and not have it be a dox, because many Muslims use a variant of “Mohammad” for their first names (Amadou, Mamadou, etc), and “Diallo” is an EXTREMELY common name in some African countries, so if someone looks that up, they’re going to have THOUSANDS of possibilities.

    …anyway, they had to fire this guy, so they fired “Amadou Diallo”. Next day, the guy comes bopping in, and is still on the schedule. Turns out, they fired the wrong “Amadou Diallo”.

    …so they fire another one. Guess Who comes back the next day, still unfired. Wrong again.

    Third try. Same result.

    Finally, they made the HR manager come in early one day so they could WALK this third shift guy TO HER and be sure they fired the RIGHT guy this time.

    …and they had to hire the other ones BACK, with back pay, more money, AND an apology. Government contractor, gotta be careful about offending.

    …so, even when the names are relatively easy, @Benito, ACTUALLY playing Who’s Who in the Islamic world is NOT.

    …And actually, it doesn’t matter WHAT you call them, they all have ONE name.


    And they all act for ONE goal.

    An Islamic world.

    Never think they are there for any other purpose. Never think they can be worked with, reasoned with, or compromise. The death cult is all that matters, and they will wreck up the joint by any means necessary for it.

    The ONLY thing we SHOULD call them, then, is GONE.

  9. Snopes, wikipedia are sites created for the leftists who seek validation for the lies they cling to. There’s no truth there to be found and a wasted effort to expect any.

  10. SNS: Likewise. I have to run OFAC searches on foreign nationals all of the time and there are literally dozens of different spellings of Mohammed. Where they put the “al” in their last name. Hyphen or no hyphen. Use it or don’t. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

    It’s meant to make it hard to confirm.

    Give it a try and download the list of banned foreign nationals. It’s just Muzzloids, Russians and Hispanic narcoterrorists.

  11. The curious case of Ilhan Omar revisited is a new article at Alpha News. I’ve been trying and trying to wrap my head around
    It’s more name playing fun for the muzloids. IDK how the FBI can possibly keep them straight


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